


The evolution of our image

Since 1977, sugar cane mills and growers located in the Cauca River Valley, contribute a percentage of their sales to invest in research, technology development, generation of knowledge and provision of services through Cenicaña. This institution celebrates 46 years with a new image.

San Antonio de los Caballeros, Florida, September 06, 2023. Starting in September 2023, Cenicaña will wear a new image, the result of a transformation process with the purpose of leading the sustainable evolution of the sugar cane agroindustry in Colombia.

After a strategic planning exercise, which concluded in 2022, the Research Center, with a specialized consulting agency, carried out a benchmarking, interviews and workshops to develop a new identity.

“Today we celebrate the completion of a process and the beginning of a major commitment to agribusiness. This process remains faithful to the spirit of its founders and the interests of the sector, because on these bases we want to go further,” indicates the Director of Cenicaña, Freddy Fernando Garcés.

According to the General Director, going further implies not only deepening knowledge to explore all the possibilities that cane cultivation offers, but also sharing with other productive sectors, communities and territories in a more empathetic and close way. . 

The new image takes part of its history and projects it to face the challenges of agribusiness and the country for the present and the future. The energy of purple and vibrant green is added to the logo, which not only refer to nature but also to technology, and create a mix that is presented in a different and powerful way to its audiences.

Cenicaña is a private, non-profit corporation that generates knowledge and develops technologies around sugar cane to contribute to the innovation processes of the sugar cane agroindustry and to the progress of the region and the sustainability of the country.

Today Cenicaña generates nearly 300 jobs for professionals with doctorates and master's degrees in different disciplines and field personnel, and each year it receives between 18 and 25 students to carry out undergraduate, master's and doctoral work.


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