


Informative bulletin II

Nitrous oxide emission (N2O) in the cultivation of sugar cane

The variety cultivated is key to reducing the N footprint2O.

Project 7 of the Omics Program: Productive Sustainability

The effect of the cultivated variety on N emission was evaluated2O and the yield of the sugarcane crop under a dose of 184 kg N ha-1. The above allowed us to estimate the footprint of the N2Or for each variety and contrasting agroecological zone. In general, no relationship was identified between sugarcane variety and cumulative N emission.2Or from the soil due to the multiple factors that influence the N assimilation dynamics of the plant.

research breakthrough

Writers: Manuel C. Valencia-Molina1,2; Luis Fernando Chavez3; Alejandra Correa3; David Palacios3; Sandra Loaiza2; Catalina Trujillo2 and Johana Murcia-Garavito4


1 Llanos University
2 Bioversity & CIAT Alliance
3 Colombian Sugar Cane Research Center, Cenicaña
4 Pontifical Javeriana University, Cali


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