Guillermo Ramos Nunez

Our objective is to serve as support for CENICAÑA's research, providing researchers and personnel linked to the sugar sector with the bibliographic information necessary to carry out their projects and activities.

Who are the users of the library?

  • Internal: Cenicaña staff.
  • Sugar Sector: Sugar mill staff, cane suppliers (donors to Cenicaña) and companies in the sector.
  • External: Libraries, university students through Inter-library agreements, research institutions and the community in general.

new library acquisitions


Vol. 386 No. 6722, 08 Nov 2024…

Scientific American magazine

Vol. 331 No. 11, November 2024…

Molecular Breeding

Vol. 44. No. 11, November 2024…

Soil Use And Management

Vol. 40 No. 4, October 2024…

Irrigation Science

Vol. 42 No. 5, September 2024…

Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering

Vol. 150. No. 6, December 2024…

Sugar tech

Vol. 26, No. 4, August 2024…

Sugar journal

October 2024…

Plant Disease

Vol. 108. No. 10, October 2024…


Vol. 114 No. 10, October 2024…

Soil Science Society of America Journal

Vol. 88, No. 6, Nov – Dec 2024…

Agronomy Journal

Vol. 116, No. 5, Sep – Oct 2024…

Crop Science

Vol. 64, No. 2, Mar – Apr 2024…

Journal of Soil and Water Conservation

Vol. 79 No. 6, Nov – Dec 2024…

Agroecological sugarcane production in Colombia: history, theory and practice

Sao Paulo: Text Office, 2021. 159 p….

The journey of the seeds: 90 years of living memories of the National University of Colombia – Palmira Campus

Sao Paulo: Text Office, 2021. 159 p….

The EEAOC in the 21st Century: A One-Way Path

Sao Paulo: Text Office, 2021. 159 p….

Homo deus: brief history of tomorrow

Sao Paulo: Text Office, 2021. 159 p….

From animals to gods: a brief history of humanity

Sao Paulo: Text Office, 2021. 159 p….

Nexus: A Brief History of Information Networks from the Stone Age to AI

Sao Paulo: Text Office, 2021. 159 p….

Under the surface of things

Sao Paulo: Text Office, 2021. 159 p….

Technical and scientific series on sugar chemistry. Information synthesis: Sucrose, optical activity and the concept of Pol

Sao Paulo: Text Office, 2021. 159 p….

Technical and scientific series on sugar chemistry. Information synthesis: Growth, development and maturation of sugar cane

Sao Paulo: Text Office, 2021. 159 p….

Technical and scientific series on sugar chemistry. Information synthesis: Oligosaccharides and polysaccharides

Sao Paulo: Text Office, 2021. 159 p….

Special methods for chemical analysis in sugar cane

Sao Paulo: Text Office, 2021. 159 p….

There is no apocalypse: why environmental alarmism harms us all

Sao Paulo: Text Office, 2021. 159 p….

The physics of climate change

Sao Paulo: Text Office, 2021. 159 p….

Hot talk, cold science. Global warming's unfinished debate

Sao Paulo: Text Office, 2021. 159 p….

The Leader Who Had No Title: A Modern Fable About Leadership in Business and in Life

Sao Paulo: Text Office, 2021. 159 p….

Intelligent fault diagnosis and remaining useful life prediction of rotating machinery

Sao Paulo: Text Office, 2021. 159 p….

50 years of the Colombian Society of Entomology

Sao Paulo: Text Office, 2021. 159 p….

NTC 5268: 2014. Soil quality. Determination of cation exchange capacity

Sao Paulo: Text Office, 2021. 159 p….

NTC 5350: 2020. Soil quality. Determination of available phosphorus

Sao Paulo: Text Office, 2021. 159 p….

NTC 5596: 2022. Soil quality. Determination of electrical conductivity

Sao Paulo: Text Office, 2021. 159 p….

NTC 6299. Soil quality. Determination of texture by Bouyoucos

Sao Paulo: Text Office, 2021. 159 p….

NTC 5264: 2023. Soil quality. Determination of pH

Sao Paulo: Text Office, 2021. 159 p….

NTC 5263: 2023. Soil quality. Determination of acidity, aluminum and exchangeable hydrogen

Sao Paulo: Text Office, 2021. 159 p….

NTC-ISO 11464. Soil quality - Pretreatment of samples for physicochemical analysis

Sao Paulo: Text Office, 2021. 159 p….

Artificial intelligence: the revolution that will change everything

Sao Paulo: Text Office, 2021. 159 p….

Uncomplicated geoprocessing

Sao Paulo: Text Office, 2021. 159 p….

National Release of Varieties RB of Cana-de-acucar

Curitiba: UFPR.RIDESA, 2021. 79 p….

NTC-ISO 13528. Statistical methods for use in proficiency tests by interlaboratory comparison.

Bogotá: ICONTEC, 2017. 101 p….

Remote Sensing in Agriculture

Sao Paulo: Text Office, 2017. 285 p….

Digital Agriculture

Sao Paulo: Text Office, 2021. 221 p….

Precision Agriculture

Sao Paulo: Icontec, 2015. 233 p….

Professional agronomy of the present and future

Sao Paulo: Text Office, 2022. 223 p….

Environmental impact assessment: concepts and methods

Sao Paulo: Text Office, 2020. 485 p….

50 years of RB sugarcane varieties. 30 years RIDESA

Curitiba: UFPR. RIDESA, 2021. 199 p….

Colombian Technical Standard. NTC 3529-3:1999. Accuracy (trueness and precision) of measurement methods and results. Part 3. Intermediate measurements of the precision of a standard method of measurement

Bogotá: ICONTEC, 2021….

Colombian Technical Standard. NTC 3529-4: 2007. Accuracy (trueness and precision) of measurement methods and results. Part 4. Basic methods for determining the trueness of a standard measurement method

Bogotá: ICONTEC, 2007. 31 p….

12th Latin American Congress ATALAC and the Caribbean

September 18 to 20, 2023. San José, Costa Rica…


August 7 to 11, 2023. Antigua, Guatemala…

44rd Annual Conference of the Australian Society of Sugar Cane Technologists (ASSCT 2023)

18 – 21 April 2023. Cairns, Australia…

XXXI ISSCT Congress 2023. Reports and abstracts of the Proceedings

20 – 23 February 2023. Hyderabad, India…

XII Technical Congress – 2022

September 12 – 16, 2022. Cali, Colombia…

43rd Annual Conference of the Australian Society of Sugar Cane Technologists (ASSCT 2022)

19 – 22 April 2022. Mackay, Australia…

42rd Annual Conference of the Australian Society of Sugar Cane Technologists (ASSCT 2021)

20 – 23 April 2021. Bundaberg, Australia…

41rd Annual Conference of the Australian Society of Sugar Cane Technologists (ASSCT 2019)

30 April – 3 May 2019. Toowoomba, Australia…

XXXIV Colombian Congress of Phytopathology and Related Sciences

September 18 – 20, 2019. Bogotá, Colombia…

XXX International Society of Sugar Cane Technologist – ISSCT

August 31 – September 8, 2019. Tucumán, Argentina…

XI Atalac Congress – Tecnicaña

September 26 – 28, 2018. Cali, Colombia…

XII ISSCT Pathology Workshops

September 3 – 7, 2018. Coimbatore, India…

Sugarcane Conference

October 18 – 20, 2017. Jakarta, India…

XXXIII Colombian Congress of Phytopathology and Related Sciences

September 20 – 22, 2017. Palmira, Colombia…

XXIX International Society of Sugar Cane Technologist – ISSCT​

December 5 – 8, 2016. Chiang Mai, Thailand…



September 18, 2024

InCane: Bulletin No.16

Artificial Intelligence in Agricultural Mapping: A Review Espinel, R., et...

9 April 2024

InCane: Bulletin No.15

Generative AI and Its Impact on Sugarcane Industry: An Insight...

4 January 2024

InCane: Bulletin No.14

A Mathematical Model to Minimize the Total Cultivation Cost of...

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