GTT | Integrated Management of Spittlebug with CC.

Face-to-face event at: Experimental Station Cenicaña, Florida, Valle del Cauca, Colombia

During the event, we will talk about: How to detect, monitor and control spittlebugs is vital to avoid economic losses in the crop. Who is it for:

PAT | Integrated management of spittlebug in sugarcane

Face-to-face event at: Experimental Station Cenicaña, Florida, Valle del Cauca, Colombia

During the event, we will talk about: The habits, damage, biology that comprises this pest; Management strategy data that allows technicians and producers to safely recognize this species and adopt the most appropriate control measures. Who is it addressed to: Note: Speaker: Claudia Echeverri Rubiano. Biologist. Cenicaña Gerson Darío Ramírez. Engineer […]


PAT | Integrated management of Spittlebug

Face-to-face event at: Experimental Station Cenicaña, Florida, Valle del Cauca, Colombia

During the event, we will talk about: The habits, damage, biology that comprises this pest; management strategy data that allows technicians and producers to safely recognize this species and adopt the most appropriate measures for control. Who it is aimed at: Registration and registration process Speaker: Gerson Darío Ramírez. Cinderella


Strategies for the management of the main pests of sugarcane

Face-to-face event at: Experimental Station Cenicaña, Florida, Valle del Cauca, Colombia

During the event, you will learn about: Recognition of different pests and the damage they cause to the crop. Economic impact of pests in sugarcane. Generalities, current status of spittlebug and Diatraea in the Cauca River valley. Methodologies for field evaluations. Permanent monitoring and follow-up of commercial batches. Controller effectiveness […]


Strategies for the management of the main pests of sugarcane – North

Asorut Auditorium Km 3 Vía La Unión - La Victoria, La Unión, Valle de Cauca, Colombia

During the event, you will learn about: Recognition of the different pests and the damage they cause, the economic impact of pests in sugarcane, generalities and current status of spittlebug and Diatraea in the Cauca River valley, methodologies for field evaluations, permanent monitoring and monitoring of commercial batches, effectiveness of controllers […]


Irrigator school: second course

Cenicaña Office Asorut, Km 3 Vía La Unión - La Victoria, La Unión, Valle del Cauca, Colombia

Consult the technical staff of each mill for more information. Description: Cenicaña created “The School of Irrigators” as a strategy to strengthen the skills of the people in charge of irrigation and in this way promote the efficient use of water resources. On this occasion the course will focus on irrigation management by […]
