


Memories: 1st Forum | Mitigation and compensation of emissions in the sugarcane agroindustrial sector to confront climate change

main theme

  • How to move from measurement to action with the current challenges, tools and regulatory framework? These are some of the topics to be discussed in this space, on the eve of COP 28.
  • The sugarcane agroindustrial sector is committed to the greenhouse gas emissions mitigation goals established in the Nationally Determined Contribution and the Long-Term Climate Strategy of Colombia, which is why at Cenicaña we are promoting spaces like these to the appropriation of knowledge that allows us to advance.
  • We will have the participation of more than 5 experts in plenary sessions and 2 discussion panels around the objectives of reducing greenhouse gas emissions, their mitigation and carbon markets.

Annual reports

November 16

Climate solutions, barriers to overcome and opportunities for Colombia in the face of COP28.
PDF - Video
Freddy Garces
General Director – Cenicaña
A retrospective of our actions to confront climate change as we target it
PDF - Video
Nicholas Gil
Comprehensive solutions (technical, financial and environmental) that contribute to the mitigation and adaptation to climate change, energy management and sustainable development
PDF - Video
Carlos Bull
Panorama of climate finance in Colombia
PDF - Video
Laura Ruiz
Diorama Group
First panel discussion: Reduction targets and climate finance
David, Laura, Carlos, Johan.
State of the Colombian carbon market
PDF - Video
Francisco Ocampo
Quality criteria in the selection of carbon credits and the role of actors
PDF - Video
Carlos Andrés Naranjo
gaia Environmental Services
BBVA and its role in carbon markets
PDF - Video
Leonardo Cubillos Montenegro
BBVA Agrosostainability
Industry 4.0 and carbon markets
PDF - Video
Juan David Durán Hernandez
Second discussion panel: Carbon market and opportunities for the sugarcane agroindustry
Laura, Christian, Adriana, Francisco, Leonardo.

November 16 by 2023
8:00 am – 5:00 pm

Cenicaña organized a discussion space
to advance in a sectoral manner in actions that contribute to Colombia's commitments and goals for the reduction of GHG emissions

This first forum
It is an opportunity to continue articulating efforts at a sectoral and regional scale, which allow for faster and safer progress in the construction of a future of innovation, energy and infinite possibilities based on the region's main crop: sugar cane.

Powered by cane bioethanol + diesel

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