


Cenicaña expands the coverage of the Internet of Things network

As part of the Strategy for preparation and adaptation to climate change of the sugar cane agroindustrial sector, Cenicaña delivered equipment for the instrumentation of 10 hydrographic basins.

Yes, we did it! By the end of 2023 we will reach more than 1900 meters above sea level, but not with sugar cane, but with more than ten points to connect the Internet of Things Network (IoT, acronym in English for Internet Of Things) of the Colombian sugar cane agroindustry. In this way, monitoring is expanded to ten hydrographic basins in the Cauca Valley to contribute to the region's adaptation to climate variability.   

Through the 'Climate change preparation and adaptation strategy of the sugarcane agroindustrial sector', Cenicaña committed to expanding the coverage of this Network and the measurement points. Thus, in conjunction with water user associations, the basins of the Tuluá, Bugalagrande, La Paila, Guabas, Zabaletas, Guadalajara de Buga, Desbaratado, Fraile, Amaime and Bolo rivers have been equipped with precipitation and flow monitoring sensors. . 

In addition to the sensors, as part of the strategy, 24 rain gauges were also delivered and installed, with real-time transmission. The equipment and its integration into a network are essential to monitor the fluctuation of rainfall and flow in the upper middle part of these basins and to have accurate and timely data, which, in turn, contributes to more effective management of the water resources, disaster prevention and sustainable water planning. Likewise, thanks to the joint work with the river user associations, specifically with Asodes. Asofrayle, Asobolo, Asoamaime, Asozabaletas, Asoguabas, Asortumo, Aurpa, Corporación Río Guadalajara and Asoribu community participation in monitoring the Network is strengthened.

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