Weather maps

Interactive queries to maps with meteorological, climatological information and anomalies, obtained by the stations that make up the Automated Meteorological Network (RMA)

What does this tool offer?

Maps with information on the atmospheric variables temperature, relative humidity, solar radiation, precipitation and wind (for hourly maps), in a date or period defined by the user. The consultation period can be hourly, daily, decadal (10 days), monthly or annual.

The system is very simple and easy to use. It is designed to make personalized inquiries according to the user's interests. The results are presented as maps.

require_once ('show_links_jm.php');

$ yesterday = mktime (0,0,0, date ("m"), date ("d") - 1, date ("Y"));
$ lastmonth = mktime (0,0,0, date ("m") - 1, date ("d"), date ("Y"));
$ nextyear = mktime (0,0,0, date ("m"), date ("d"), date ("Y") - 1);

$ day = date ("d / m / Y", $ yesterday);
$ month = date ("m", $ lastmonth);
$ anno = date ("Y", $ lastmonth);
$ anno1 = date ("Y", $ nextyear);

$ date_day = "date =". $ day;
// echo $ date_day. "-";

$ date_month = ”& month =”. $ month. ”& year =”. $ year;
// echo $ date_month. "-";

$ year_date = ”& year =”. $ anno1;
// echo $ date_ano;


<?php access_level('4','
See time maps
View maps day, 2 days, month, year ');
show (”, '')?>
{/ Source}


Learn with us to use this system of consultations, contact us by writing to, or by calling: (57- 2) 687 66 11 ext. 5168. Cali, Colombia.

Problems to enter?

If you have a user password and have had problems entering or downloading information, log in and then disable popup blocker in your browser To see how to do it, select your browser. 


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