Biological fixation of nitrogen (N) as a source of N for sugar cane

Until now, the biological fixation of nitrogen (N) has not been taken into account for the management of nitrogen fertilization of sugar cane produced in the geographical valley of the Cauca River.

In 2012 Cenicaña started a project to collect and characterize N-fixing bacteria from the genera Azotobacter, Azospirillum y Gluconacetobacter. associated with sugar cane, so far there are approximately 120 isolates that are in the purification and cryopreservation phases. Subsequently, the characterization phase will begin, including the quantification of N fixation, production of indole compounds, and compatibility with the different varieties. As a final objective, it is expected to be able to formulate specific inocula by variety, if necessary. With the use of this technology it is hoped to obtain the maximum possible benefit from the biological fixation of N so that the use of chemically synthesized nitrogenous fertilizers can be minimized.

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