TEST: How much do you know about cane agribusiness?

Test your knowledge about the cultivation of cane and the research that Cenicaña has been doing for 40 years to improve productivity and competitiveness of mills and growers.

Choose the correct answer.

1. The sugarcane was
introduced to Colombia by
to. Sebastian de Belalcázar.
b. Christopher Columbus.
c. Peter of Atienza.
d. Peter of Heredia.

2. In the 80s,
this plague was the most
to cultivation
to. Weevil
b. Kid Worm
c. Salivazo
d. Yellow aphid

3. The cultivation of the cane is
for the following

to. Coffee rust and orange rust.
b. Purple spot.
c. Eye spot
d. All of the above.

4. It was the first variety
of cane planted in
the Cauca river valley
to. Otahiti
b. POJ 2714
c. Creole
d. POJ 2878

5. This union
represents the cultivators
to. Technique
b. Asocaña
c. Procaña
d. None of the above.

6. Cenicaña began her research in genetic transformation using a fragment of
genome of this disease
to. Blade of the blade.
b. Rickets of the soca.
c. Ring spot.
d. Yellow leaf virus.

7. The imbibition control
online is a technology
of Cenicaña that
to. Predict tons of fiber
processed in the mill.
b. Simulate balance calculations
c. Provide indicators
for irrigation management.
d. None of the above.

8. This Cenicaña program simulates factory operations
to. Cenimol 1.2.
b. Ceniprof 2.0.
c. Water balance 4.0.
d. Ansys

9. In Cenicaña the process of developing new varieties includes
to. Four selection states
and two regional tests.
b. Two selection states and a regional test.
c. Three selection states and two regional tests.
d. Three selection states and a regional test.

10. It entered into operation this year to support Cenicaña's technology transfer activities
to. Training center of the cane industry.
b. Guillermo Ramos Auditorium
c. GTT Laboratory
d. Learning and Technical Assistance Program (PAT).

11. He was the first director of Cenicaña
to. Armando Samper Gnecco.
b. Rodrigo Escobar Navia.
c. Nora Perez Castillo.
d. Climaco Cassalett Dávila.

12. The 37 stations of the Automated Meteorological Network are located
to. From Santander de Quilichao, Cauca, to Viterbo, Caldas.
b. From Santander de Quilichao, Cauca, to La Virginia, Caldas.
c. From Jamundí, Valle, to Viterbo, Caldas.
d. From Villarrica, Cauca, to Cartago, Valle.

13. The Technical Recommendations Guide is
to. A publication included in the PAT material collection
of Cenicaña.
b. An information system in
Cenicaña website.
c. A document prepared by Asocaña for crop management.
d. None of the above.

14. This irrigation system
allows to reduce the cost
of fertilizers
to. Drip irrigation.
b. Fertirriego
c. Pivot irrigation.
d. Irrigation with reduced flow.

15. Cenicaña investigates
in the use
of agricultural waste
harvest for
to. Get second generation ethanol.
b. Generate electrical energy
c. None of the above.
d. The options a and b.

16. Transfer groups
of technology are a strategy
of Cenicaña for 
to. Inform the producers
about the research of the Center.
b. Promote the technologies
product of the investigation.
c. Exchange information
technical and economic about
better practices.
d. All of the above.

17. The investment of the
agribusiness for
Research and innovation through Cenicaña is equivalent to
to. 0.65% of sales of
sugar and ethanol
b. 10% of sugar sales.
c. 0.65% of sugar sales.
d. 0.2% of sugar and ethanol sales.

18. According to the Annual Rainfall Calendar of the Cauca de Cenicaña River Valley, the first dry season of the year is
to. Between December and February.
b. Between February and March.
c. Between June and August
d. Between November and February.

19. From the commercial information of the agro-industry Cenicaña calculates
to. Productivity indicators at the varietal level
b. Productivity Indicators
by environment
c. Isoproductivity curves.
d. All of the above.

20. For the operation of
version 4.0 of the Balance
water is essential
to. Internet.
b. Install it on the computer.
c. Perform the hydrological balance.
d. None of the above.

21. Cenicaña investigates the cutting of the cane cut manually for
to. Improve transport efficiency.
b. Facilitate seed sowing.
c. Reduce the impact of wagons on the ground.
d. None of the above.

22. With this investigation
Cenicaña seeks to improve fertilization practices in the future
to. Watershed monitoring
b. Microorganisms as alternative sources of N
c. Selection assisted by
molecular markers
d. All of the above.

23. In 2016, it was the
cane variety more
planted in the valley
of the Cauca river
to. CC 85-92
b. CC 93-4418
c. DC 01-1940
d. CC 84-75

24. The wagons of
autovolteo are used to
to. Take the cut cane to the transport wagons.
b. Bring the cut cane to the factories.
c. Perform the moose of the hand-harvested harvested cane.
d. Transport cane seed.

25. They are Cenicaña web tools for mills and growers
to. Technical Recommendations Guide and map server.
b. Hydrological balance and
Weed manual.
c. Agroecological Zoning and
Growing Recommendations Guide.
d. Irrigation and control calculator
of imbibition online.

26. It is not a service
of Cenicaña for
to. Information and documentation
b. Phytopathological Inspection
in the field and laboratory.
c. Disease diagnosis
d. Particular technical assistance

27. Cenicaña develops
cane varieties for the environments

to. Semi dry.
b. Damp.
c. Piedmont.
d. All of the above.

28. Name of the current
Cenicaña Directive

to. Juan José Lülle Suárez.
b. Juan Carlos Mira Pontoon.
c. Cesar Arango Isaza.
d. Andres Rebolledo Cobo.

29. In 2016, he became a new donor to Cenicaña
to. Bioenergy
b. Trapiche Lucerne.
c. The Palestine
d. None of the above.

30. The species of Diatraea
that attack in the river valley
Cauca are

to. Saccharalis and tabernella.
b. Saccharalis, busckella, indigenella and tabernella.
c. Busckella and rose.
d. Busckella and tabernella.

31. This CC variety
It was the first to reach
the commercial category

to. CC 84-75.
b. CC 93-3826.
c. CC 01-1940.
d. None of the above.

32. It was the first strategy
of Cenicaña to increase
technology adoption

to. Technology Transfer Groups.
b. Technology adoption program.
c. Pilot farms.
d. Learning and Technical Assistance Program (PAT).

33. This year began production
of fuel ethanol in Colombia

to. 2005
b. 2006
c. 2001
d. 2009

34. For a template of
two to four months will

to. Between 600 and 1000 m3/he has
in each irrigation event.
b. Between 1000 and 1200 m3/he has
in each irrigation event.
c. Between 1200 and 1500 m3/he has
in each irrigation event.
d. None of the above.

35. The main feature
of irrigation with reduced flow is

to. Not erosive.
b. Apply low flow rates through groove.
c. It only works on the foothills.
d. It is expensive.

36. In addition to Cenicaña,
this year also turned
40 years of service

to. Asocaña
b. Procaña
c. Azucari
d. Technique

37. The Cenirrometer is a
Cenicaña development for

to. Facilitate the calculation of the water balance in the soil.
b. Evaluate energy consumption
In the factories.
c. Schedule irrigation with
the water balance.
d. Identify varieties with
increased productivity.

38. The Mobile Laboratory is a Cenicaña program
that supports

to. Cultivators to make decisions in the field.
b. The technical assistants of the mills to diagnose diseases.
c. Butlers or administrators to adopt technologies.
d. The mill area of
the mills factories.

39. In the agribusiness of sugarcane the agroecological zones are
to. Homogeneous sites with relatively stable biophysical factors
b. Ranking sites for analyzing climate data.
c. Experimental sites of Cenicaña.
d. None of the above.

40. It is the kind of Diatraea most recently identified by Ingenios and Cenicaña in the Cauca River Valley
a. Tabernella
b. Busckella.
c. Pink.
d. Saccharalis


1. d 2. d 3. d 4. c 5. c 6. d 7. a 8. b 9. d 10. a 11. a 12. a 13. b 14. b 15. d 16. d 17. a 18. a 19. d 20. a 21. a 22. b 23. a 24. a 25. a 26. d 27. d 28. c 29. b 30. b 31. a 32. c 33. a 34 . to   
35. b 36. d 37. c 38. d 39. a 40. b


Between 0 and 5 correct answers: He is still in time to expand his knowledge about agribusiness and Cenicaña. We recommend:

- Request your access code to different tools on the website to consult information and use technologies.
- Enroll in the training program offered for growers and butlers.
- Be attentive to the GTTs organized by Cenicaña in the sugar mills.

Between 5 and 20 correct answers: Obviously you regularly attend Cenicaña technology transfer activities, are sporadic readers of the Center's publications or know some of the technologies that are promoted.

Between 20 and 40 correct answers: Excellent! Most likely you are one of the people who collect Cenicaña publications (you must still remember the Quarterly Letter), follow up on technology updates for adoption and use and attend agribusiness training and information events quite frequently of the cane. 


Information letter 
Year 5 / Number 2 / December 2017

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