Agricultural CC | Management of drainage in sugarcane
This event is aimed at the field team of the Ingenio Riopaila Castilla (Planta Castilla Agrícola). Event Topics: Train the Castilla Agrícola sugar mill field team on drainage issues.
This event is aimed at the field team of the Ingenio Riopaila Castilla (Planta Castilla Agrícola). Event Topics: Train the Castilla Agrícola sugar mill field team on drainage issues.
This event is aimed at cane growers who are suppliers of the Incauca Sugar Mill. During the OnLine event, we will be talking about: Advances and options in the application of fertilizers for crops
This event is aimed at cane growers who are suppliers of the Incauca Sugar Mill. During the OnLine event, we will be talking about: Drainage management in fields cultivated with sugar cane Construction works
casino minimum deposit $3 Agricultural drainage is defined as the evacuation of excess water in the soil.
Ildefonso Pla, considered a world authority on water quality and salinity, spoke with an Information Letter about this problem in the world and Colombia.
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