Required: Biologist, environmental administrator or related professions

General description: 

Project: "Strengthening the adoption of sustainable technologies and practices in the cultivation of sugarcane planted in Valle del Cauca", within the framework of the General Royalty System executed by the Colombian Sugarcane Research Center, CENICAÑA.

Object of the contract: Provision of junior extension services.

Type: Provision of services.

Dedication: 100%

Purpose of the provision of the service

Train, accompany and monitor the sugarcane farmers who are beneficiaries of the project in the process of adopting new technologies and sustainable practices in the productive units, as well as monitoring, monitoring and recording information from the testing and validation areas.

education and experience

Minimum one year certified professional experience as a biologist, agricultural engineer, environmental administrator or related professions. Desirable experience in extension in the cultivation of sugarcane and in projects aimed at promoting the implementation of sustainable practices


  • Excellent interpersonal relationships with management, executive and operational staff
  • Availability of computer equipment
  • Transportation availability
  • Driving license
  • Professional card

Contact and conditions of the call: 

Candidates must send their resume and letter of motivation and interest to, placing in the subject the object of the contract to which you are applying. CVs that do not reach this email will not be considered.

Important to append:

  • Motivational letter about participation and contribution in the project.
  • Photocopy of ID.
  • Copy of the diploma or certificate of university degree.
  • Photocopy of the professional card and certificate of validity issued by the respective Professional Council.
  • Updated copy of the RUT (Valid for the last 3 months).
  • Labor certificates.

Deadline: November 19, 2022, until 11:00 am

The resumes received before the deadline date and time will have a score assigned by the evaluation team.


Only resumes and motivation letters with the highest score assigned by the evaluation team will be called for an interview.

The people interviewed will be evaluated as follows: 35 points will be assigned for the resume, 15 for the motivation letter, 30 points for the face-to-face interview and 20 points for the specific knowledge exam according to the description of the object of the contract.