Review, Dec. 2013

GTT with users of the Guadalajara river basin.

On November 26, Cenicaña held a GTT meeting with users of the Guadalajara river basin, in order to promote greater commitment to the environment among sugarcane growers in the area of ​​influence of this tributary. in the use and management of water.

GTT with users of the Guadalajara river basin

On November 26, Cenicaña held a GTT meeting with users of the Guadalajara river basin, in order to promote greater commitment to the environment among sugarcane growers in the area of ​​influence of this tributary. in the use and management of water.

The meeting took place at the Instituto Mayor Campesino de Buga (IMCA) with the participation of 26 cane suppliers from the Providencia and Pichichí sugar mills. There, the progress of the Water Table, the work carried out by the Water for Life and Sustainability Fund and an x-ray on the current situation and prospects of the Guadalajara river basin were presented.

This activity is part of the work carried out by the Center for the Water Table, a sectoral initiative to promote better management practices for water resources in the Cauca river valley.

Professionals from the sector participated in the Plant Health Committee

The current situation of brown rust and orange rust, a proposal for permanent monitoring of pests and diseases and the application of entomopathogenic nematodes for spittlebug control a. varies under commercial conditions in the field were some of the topics addressed in the Plant Health Committee that was held last November 19 in Cenicaña.

The activity was attended by 18 people representing the sugar mills La cabaña, Central Tumaco, Risaralda, Riopaila-Castilla plant Castilla, Riopaila-Castilla plant Riopaila, Carmelita, Pichichí, Incauca, Providencia, Manuelita, María Luisa and Mayagüez.

In addition to the topics mentioned, the results of an evaluation of the effect of biological control on Diatraea tabernella and the parasitism of Diatraea spp.

Cenicaña presents plans for technology transfer for 2014

The Cenicaña Technical Cooperation and Technology Transfer Service held a Transfer Committee on December 4, in order to present to the sugar mill representatives the progress of the Technical Assistance Program (PAT) and the entity's plans for the 2014.

Supply managers and technical assistants to suppliers participated in the meeting where, in addition, the training program for facilitators of technology transfer and for suppliers contemplated in the PAT for next year was announced. A workshop was also held to receive proposals to make GTT events increasingly participatory and efficient in technology adoption.

Doctoral thesis recognized

Due to the strict methodological design, the combination of knowledge and concepts in specific areas of molecular biology and bioprocesses, and the rigorous analysis of the data obtained, it was suggested that the doctoral thesis be recognized as a laureate thesis as Magna cum laude ' Genetic Engineering in vinasse tolerant native strains of S. cerevisiae to increase ethanol productivity ', by Jorge Alberto Vásquez, candidate for a PhD in Biotechnology from the Universidad de Antioquia, Pamplona Católica and Pontificia Bolivariana agreement.

The thesis was directed by Nicolás Gil, director of the Cenicaña Factory Process Program, and was part of a project co-financed by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, the Mayagüez and Providencia y Cenicaña mills.

Information letter
Year 1 / Number 3 / December 2013

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