Reflections of a visionary

Valle del Cauca has always been an extraordinary laboratory for agricultural development, not only because of the characteristics and conditions of the climate and soils of the Valley, but also because of the entrepreneurial spirit that has characterized its people who have invested creative imagination and capital to make the lands of Valle del Cauca a highly productive resource.

“(…) Valle del Cauca has always been an extraordinary laboratory for agricultural development, not only because of the characteristics and conditions of the climate and soils of the Valley, but also because of the entrepreneurial spirit that has characterized its people who have invested creative imagination and capital to make the lands of Valle del Cauca a highly productive resource.

By establishing the Sugar Cane Research Center, Valle del Cauca will give the country a new model of institutional development for research that will serve as a guideline for other regions and other production unions. Thus, Valle del Cauca will provide the country with a new service of national scope ”.

Armando Samper Gnecco
March 6th 1978
During a meeting with the Cenicaña Board of Directors,
one week after taking possession as
Director of Cenicaña.

Information letter 
Year 5 / Number 2 / December 2017

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