Plant Health Committee for Sugarcane, 2005 - 2015

As of 2007, the work group called the Biological Control Committee changed its name to the Sugarcane Plant Health Committee. It monitors the control of pests and diseases in the Cauca river valley. The presentations made in the sugarcane plant health committee are the product of the discussions of this working group. Partial information, research work in progress and research proposals are presented here. If you wish to know more details in this regard, contact Cenicaña or the technician in charge at your sugar mill.



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Year 2

December 16

Current status of RSD, LSD and SCYLV (PDF - 2015 kb)
Speaker : Marcela Cadavid - Microbiologist, Cenicaña

Production of pathogen-free seed for the establishment of seedlings (PDF - 2015 kb)
Speaker : Fredy Salazar - Plant breeder, Cenicaña

Varieties and damage by Diatraea (PDF - 2015 kb)
Speaker : Germán Andrés Vargas , Entomologist - Cenicaña

Plant health committee meeting. Minutes 2015-02 (PDF - 2015 kb)


September 16

Update on the management of Diatraea busckella at Ingenio Sancarlos SA (PDF - 2015 kb)
Speaker : Carlos Andrés Rodríguez - Ingenio Sancarlos

Advances in software for pest management at Ingenio Risaralda (PDF - 2015 kb)
Exhibitor : Isabel C. Molina - Ingenio Risaralda

Development of Cotesia flavipes (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) on Diatraea indigenella (Lepidoptera: Crambidae) in laboratory (PDF - 2015 kb)
Exhibitor : Carolina Londoño

Distribution of Diatraea (Lepidptera: Crambidae) species and their natural enemies on sugar cane in the Cauca river valley? (PDF - 2015 kb)
Speaker : Gerson Ramírez – Cenicaña

Effect of Diatraea spp. (Lepidoptera: Crambidae) on the biological efficiency of Cotesia flavipes (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) under laboratory conditions? (PDF - 2015 kb)
Speaker : Leidy Salamnca

Parasitism of Cotesia flavipes (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) on Diatraea tabernella (Lepidoptera: Crambidae) in the north of the Cauca river valley (PDF - 2015 kb)
Exhibitor : Belliney Arboleda A

Recognition of parasitism by Cotesia flavipes on Diatraea spp.? (PDF - 2015 kb)
Speaker : Germán Andrés Vargas , Entomologist - Cenicaña


16th of February

Management of Diatrea Spp, at El Cedrito farm (PDF - 2015 kb)
Speaker : IA Santiago Durán Castro, DURAN CASTRO Y CIA SCA AGROCED - SCA

Report on the diagnosis? Of diseases? (RSD, LSD and SCYLV) (PDF - 2015 kb)
Speaker : Marcela Cadavid , Microbiologist - Cenicaña

Phytopathological inspection services and multiplication of varieties during 2015 (PDF - 18 kb)
Speaker : Juan Carlos Ángel , Plant Pathologist - Cenicaña

Recognition of the species of Diatraea spp. (PDF - 2015 kb)
Speaker : Germán Andrés Vargas , Entomologist - Cenicaña

Plant health committee meeting. Minutes 2015-18 (PDF - 2015 kb)

January 16st

Joint strategy for the management of the activities of evaluation, control and regulation of the populations of Diatraea spp. in the region (PDF - 2015 kb)
Extraordinary meeting

Year 2

December 16

Management of brown rust and orange rust in sugarcane cultivation in the Cauca River Valley, Colombia. Effect on production (PDF - 2014 kb)
Speaker : Juan Carlos Ángel , Plant Pathologist - Cenicaña

Balance of the Symposium " News of sugarcane borers, Diatraea spp., And their management in America " (PDF - 2014 kb)
Speaker : Germán Andrés Vargas , Entomologist - Cenicaña

Damage record by Diatraea spp. in the Cauca river valley (PDF - 2014 kb)
Speaker : Germán Andrés Vargas , Entomologist - Cenicaña

Evaluation of the release of Cotesia flavipes for the control of Diatraea tabernella (PDF - 2014 kb)
Speaker : Germán Andrés Vargas , Entomologist - Cenicaña

Plant health committee meeting. Minutes 2014-3 (PDF - 2014 kb)

July 16

Symposium " News of sugarcane borers, Diatraea spp., And their management in America " (PDF - 2014 kb)
Speaker : Germán Andrés Vargas , Entomologist - Cenicaña

What is the sugarcane plant health committee (PDF - 2014 kb)
Speaker : Germán Andrés Vargas , Entomologist - Cenicaña

Cenicaña Phytopathology Area (PDF - 2014 kb)
Speaker : Juan Carlos Ángel , Plant Pathologist - Cenicaña

Plant health committee meeting. Minutes 2014-8 (PDF - 2014 kb)

April 16st

Report of the year 2014 of the phytopathological inspection services in field and laboratory, and multiplication of varieties (PDF - 1 kb)
Speaker : Juan Carlos Ángel , Plant Pathologist - Cenicaña

Report on the diagnosis of diseases? (RSD, LSD and SCYLV) during 2014 (PDF - 1 kb)
Speaker : Marcela Cadavid, Microbiologist - Cenicaña

Determination of the incidence of diseases of economic importance in sugarcane, alcohol and panela crops in Colombia (PDF - 2014 kb)
Speaker : Juan Carlos Ángel , Plant Pathologist - Cenicaña

Diagnosis of the situation of Diatraea in the center of the Valley - Ingenio Sancarlos case (PDF - 2014 kb)
Speaker : Germán Andrés Vargas , Entomologist - Cenicaña

Symposium management report: "News of borers Diatraea spp. in America and its management ”, to be held at the congress of the Colombian Society of Entomology - Socolen (PDF - 2014 kb)
Speaker : Germán Andrés Vargas , Entomologist - Cenicaña

Plant health committee meeting. Minutes 2014-1 (PDF - 2014 kb)

Year 2

November 16th

Management of coffee rust in sugar cane in Valle del Cauca (PDF - 2013 kb)
Speaker : Juan Carlos Ángel , Plant Pathologist - Cenicaña

Proposal for a permanent monitoring system for pests and diseases (PDF - 2013 kb)
Speaker : Carlos Ariel Ángel, Plant Pathologist - Cenicaña

Application of entomopathogens for the control of spittlebug A. varia in commercial field conditions (PDF - 2013 kb)
Speaker : Ricardo Palomino, Riopaila-Castilla

Evaluation of the effect of biological control on Diatraea tabernella (PDF - 2013 kb)
Speaker : Gustavo Ramírez, Cenicaña

Plant health committee meeting. Minutes 2013-19 (PDF - 2013 kb)

June 16

Colciencias-Cenicaña-Perkins Cooperative Research Project 2013 - 12 . (PDF - 2013 kb)
Speaker : Alex Enrique Bustillo Pardey, Advisor - Cenicaña

Attention to the outbreak of defoliators in sugar cane, Spodoptera spp. and Mocis sp. (PDF - 2013 kb)
Speaker : Gerson Ramírez, Cenicaña

Twisted Bud, Pokkah Boeng (PDF - 2013 kb)
Speaker : Juan Carlos Ángel , Plant Pathologist - Cenicaña

Control of Mocis latipes in INCAUCA and IPSA. (PDF - 2013 kb)
Speaker : Yolanda Gutiérrez, Agricultural Engineer - Incauca

Sugarcane defoliators Spodoptera spp. and Mocis sp. in Riopaila-Castilla. (PDF - 2013 kb)
Speaker : Ricardo Palomino, Riopaila-Castilla

Plant health committee meeting. Minutes 2013-12 (PDF - 2013 kb)

16th of February

2013 Disease Diagnostic Service Report . (PDF - 20 kb)
Speaker : Marcela Cadavid , Agricultural Microbiologist - Cenicaña

Plant pathological inspection services (field and laboratory) and variety multiplication and propagation (PDF - 2013 kb)
Speaker : Juan Carlos Ángel , Plant Pathologist - Cenicaña

Current situation of the yellow leaf virus . (PDF - 2013 kb)
Speaker : Carlos Ariel Ángel, Plant Pathologist - Cenicaña

Correction of information on damage by Diatraea spp. Between 2013-20, Distribution of Diatraea tabernella in the Risaralda sugar mill, report of Mahanarva bipars in the mountainous area of ​​Valle del Cauca and response of the new varieties to damage by Diatraea spp. (PDF - 2013 kb)
Speaker : Ximena Granobles , Agricultural Engineer - Cenicaña

Plant health committee meeting. Minutes 2013-20 (PDF - 2013 kb)

Year 2

16 October

Opogona sacchari (Bojer) (Lepidoptera: Tineidae) on sugar cane (PDF - 2012 kb)
Speaker : Alex E. Bustillo, Consultant

Evaluation of Metarhizium anisopliae in the control of A. varia in commercial sugarcane crops (PDF - 2012 kb)
Speaker : Ulices Castro, Entomologist - Cenicaña

New species of Diatraea in the Valley (PDF - 2012 kb)
Exhibitors : Amanda Villegas 1 , Luz A. Lastra 2 , Germán Vargas 3 1. Head of Agronomy, Ingenio Risaralda. 2. Temporary researcher, Cenicaña. 3. Entomologist, Cenicaña

Elasmopalpus lignosellus (Zeller) (PDF - 2012 kb)
Exhibitor : Ricardo Palomino - Agronomy Department - Riopaila-Castilla

Phytopathological inspection service in the field and laboratory (PDF - 2012 kb)
Speaker : Juan Carlos Ángel - Plant Pathologist - Cenicaña

Plant health committee meeting. Minutes 2012-31 (PDF - 10 kb)

May 16

Perspectives on the management of spittlebugs Mahanarva and Aeneolamia , and report of the attack of Zulia carbonaria on sugarcane (PDF - 2012 kb)
Speaker : Germán Andrés Vargas, Entomologist - Cenicaña

Disease Diagnosis Service. Plant Pathology Laboratory (PDF - 2012 kb)
Speaker : Marcela Cadavid, Agricultural Microbiologist - Cenicaña

Rhynchophorus palmarum damage in the field (PDF - 2012 kb)
Speaker : Yolanda Gutiérrez, Agricultural Engineer - Incauca

Plant health committee meeting. Minutes 2012-24 (PDF - 05 kb)

January 16st

spittle projects

Report on the diagnosis of diseases (RSD, LSD and SCYLV) during 2012

Symptoms of sugar cane diseases in Colombia

Current situation of coffee rust and orange rust in Valle del Cauca

Plant health committee meeting. Minutes 2012-18

Year 2

June 16

extraordinary meeting :
Alert new areas of spread of spittlebug

April 4

Aphids in sugarcane and their management

Analysis of Diatraea infestations in the Cauca River Valley during 2011 and releases of parasitoids for their control

Control program for the arriera ant " Atta cephalotes"

Use of real-time PCR to estimate percentage of incidence of yellow leaf virus (SCYLV) in sugar cane

Plant health committee meeting. Minutes 2011-27

January 4

Report on the diagnosis of diseases (RSD, LSD and SCYLV) during 2011

Current situation of orange rust in Valle del Cauca

Plant health committee meeting. Minutes 2011-19

Year 2

September 4

Causal agents of coffee rust ( Puccinia melanocephala ) and orange rust ( Puccinia kuehnii ) on sugarcane. Laboratory and field differentiation methodologies.

Incidence of brown rust ( Puccinia melanocephala ) and presence of orange rust ( Puccinia kuehnii ) on sugar cane in Valle del Cauca.

Plant health committee meeting. Act 2010-04

June 4th

Plant health committee meeting. Minutes 2010-03

4th of April

Report on the diagnosis of diseases (RSD, LSD and SCYLV) during 2010 and first quarter 28


Evaluation of coffee rust ( Puccinia melanocephala H. and P. Sydow) in sugarcane varieties in Valle del Cauca in 2010 and first quarter of 28

Plant health committee meeting. Minutes 2010-02

4 of January

Plant health committee meeting. Minutes 2010-01

Year 2

November 4

Diagnosis of Diatraea infestations in the geographic valley of the Cauca River, 2009

Production of material for the establishment of seedbeds and propagation of varieties

September, 4th

Plant health committee meeting. Act 2009-01

Strategies to follow for the diagnosis of Diatraea

Report on diagnosis of cane diseases

Year 2

4th June

Spittlebugs and sugar cane: situation one year after detection of the pest

Evaluation of the incidence of Rust ( Puccinia melanocephala H. and P. Sydow) in Valle del Cauca

Year 2

September, 4th

Situation and management of spittlebug: advances

4th of July

Evaluations to detect presence of spittlebug on farms? Of Ingenio Providencia

Current situation of spittlebugs at the Carmelita Sugar Mill

First proposal for the management of spittlebug in sugar cane crops in the Cauca river valley

June, 4

Health alert! Current situation of the sugarcane spittlebug

Experiences with the management of sugarcane spittlebugs in Central America

March 4

Monitoring of rust in variety CC 83-2007

Losses caused by the damage of Diatraea spp. in varieties CC 2007-13, CC 2007-85 and MZC 92-84

Diagnosis of the situation of Diatraea spp. in the Cauca river valley, 2007

year 2

April 4

Comparison of the field and factory yard evaluation of the damage caused by Diatraea spp. (Lep: Crambidae) in sugar cane, at Ingenio Mayagüez

Biology, habits and distribution of Mahanarva bipars (Homoptera: Cercopidae) in sugarcane cultivation in the municipality of Guática (Risaralda)

year 2

October 4

Diagnosis of the Diatraea situation in the Cauca river valley

June 4th

Situation of borers in the southern area of ​​the Cauca river valley

March 4

Presence of Prosapia simulans at Ingenio Providencia. Situation of borers in 03 and 03.


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