The effect of the nitrogen fertilization dose on the accumulated N emission was evaluated.2Or, through periodic gas sampling in two experimental areas, with contrasting climate and soil characteristics, during two productive cycles of sugar cane cultivation in the traditional commercial varieties of Valle del Cauca CC 01-1940, CC 05-430 and CC 11-600. In general, it was observed that the application of nitrogen (N) altered the emission of N2O from the soil regardless of the dose used, but the accumulated emission did increase as the applied N rate increased.
research breakthrough
Writers: Manuel C. Valencia-Molina1,2; Luis Fernando Chavez3; Alejandra Correa3; David Palacios3; Sandra Loaiza2; Catalina Trujillo2 and Johana Murcia-Garavito4
1 Llanos University
2 Bioversity & CIAT Alliance
3 Colombian Sugar Cane Research Center, Cenicaña
4 Pontifical Javeriana University, Cali