Disinfecting farm equipment and taking care in seed movement are the main recommendations for preventive management of the pest and of systemic diseases such as soch rickets and leaf scalding..
Sanitize farm equipment
(cutting and harvesting tools)
1. Visually inspect clods and leaf litter that have adhered to tires, discs, and tillage implements.
2. Manually remove the insecticide solution (Lamdacialotrina, 3 cc / L) on the tires, discs and implements that were in contact with the ground. If the removal of the mud is adequate, the application of insecticide can be omitted.
3. In fields with organic certification, the application of insecticides is not necessary, but make sure that there are no clods left in the machinery. You can also consult the certifying company about authorized insecticide products in organic agriculture for disinfestation of agricultural tools.
4. It is recommended to do this cleaning work outside the worked batch, after all the work and before moving to the new job site.
5. Verify that contractors doing work in your fields are aware of and apply these measures.
Precautions when moving seed
1. Avoid transporting seed from the affected sites and from other areas of the country (panelera areas, altillanura, etc.).
2. Avoid direct contact of the seed packets with soil and in case this happens make sure that no clods stick to the seed.
3. Decrease the permanence of the seed in the field
and streamline your transportation.
4. Shake the buds used to tie the packages to rule out the presence of an adult.
5. If possible, heat the seed:
Immersion of the packages for 10 minutes in hot water at 50 ° C.
Rest for 8-12 hours in the environment.
Immersion in hot water at 51 ° C for one hour.
6. If heat treatment is not possible, apply a solution of systemic insecticide and fungicide.
Spittlebug eggs remain in the soil, adults can be transported in seed and leaves, and the accumulation of residues near the furrows favors moisture retention and greater attack by the pest.
Avoid the spread of systemic diseases
To avoid the spread of rickets in the soca and scalding of the leaf, the same recommendations apply.
spittlebug (disinfect agricultural equipment and precautions when moving plant material); however, additional recommendations should be taken into account in the disinfection of tools, agricultural implements and machinery used for cutting, planting and harvesting sugar cane (machetes, harvesters, planters, wagons for transporting seeds, etc.).
Remember that the causative bacteria in soca rickets can live for up to 18 days on the cutting tool and the causal factor for blade scalding for up to six days.
- To a liter of water add 10-20 cc of sublimated iodine or quaternary ammonium (Benzalkonium chloride).
- Apply the product on surfaces in contact with the stems or strains. It can be done by immersing 2 to 5 seconds of machetes, palines or shovels; or by spraying with a back pump covering the mainly basal cutter of the combine.
Sprinkle the product on the surface of tools and equipment in contact with stems or strains, which can cause cuts or wounds. - Apply the disinfectant product before starting and after finishing each task and outside the cultivated lots.
In the case of organic reeds, consult with the certifying company about authorized bactericides for cleaning agricultural tools.
All occupational health requirements for the application must be met, according to the level of toxicity of the product and current regulations.
Attend the training offered by Cenicaña for the recognition and preventive management of diseases and the integrated management of spit from sugarcane. The PAT training program is available at www.cenicana.org.
Information Letter | JUL 2019: 14-15 PDF version