Started training cycle in manufacturing processes

Based on the results of research and technologies developed by Cenicaña to improve efficiencies in the manufacturing processes of the Colombian sugarcane agribusiness, progress is being made in a training program aimed at mill personnel.

The most recent training day took place on February 20 in which 39 people from the mill areas (sugar factories) were trained in General Concepts of configuration, operation and sanitation in preparation and grinding equipment. Also, on January 16, the training Construction of the greenhouse gas (GHG) inventory and estimation of the Carbon Footprint for the cane industry, which allowed the staff of different areas of the mills, was carried out and some sugarcane suppliers, know the operation of the calculation tool that Cenicaña has developed for this purpose.

This activity, which was led by Cenicaña professionals, lasted 4 hours and was attended by 36 people. The training included topics such as the methodology to build a GHG inventory, based on ISO 14064-1, the process of certification and verification of the Carbon Footprint and strategies that can be implemented to reduce GHG emissions and Its associated impacts.

Different training sessions will be held throughout the year both in factory and field processes.


Started training cycle in manufacturing processes

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