Phenomics and Genomics Tools, key strategies to accelerate the genetic gain of crops, Jun 5, 2020

During the Webinar, we will talk about:

  • Development of biofortified corn: classical improvement of molecular and biochemical tools.
    Natalia Palacios (CIMMYT).
  • McGill's Phenomic Platform: Increased resolution of complex character enhancement.
    Valerio Hoyos-Villegas (Department of Plant Science, McGill University, Canada).
  • Genomic Predictions for Agronomic Traits in Common Bean and their Application in Breeding.
    Bodo Raatz (International Center for Tropical Agriculture).
  • Root and Tuber Crop Phenomics under Nutrient Deficiency: Interpreting Efficiency, Utilization and Physiological
    Performance of Root System Architectural Traits
    Luis Duque (Penn State University, United States).


Natalie Palacios.

Quality Specialist.


Valerio Hoyos Villegas.

Assistant professor in plant breeding and genetics.

Plant Science Department, McGill University, Canada

Bodo Raatz.

Plant breeder and bean geneticist.

International Center for Tropical Agriculture.

Louis Duke.

Research Assistant Professor in Physiology and Crop Improvement.

Penn State University, USA

Webinar Series - Cenicaña. 2020

Date: Jun 5, 2020
Time: 8:00 am - 12:00 am

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