Registration Form

The information services on this website are for the exclusive use of natural or legal persons producing cane or sugar donors to Cenicaña and institutions related to the Colombian sugar sector.

Registration Form

The information services on this website are for the exclusive use of natural or legal persons producing cane or sugar donors to Cenicaña and institutions related to the Colombian sugar sector.

Cenicaña will register a password for each natural person or producer company that requests it. This key will be sent to Cenicaña by the owner or legal representative through the registration form for DONORS and Cenicaña will confirm that it has been registered. The owner or legal representative will authorize or deliver the password to whomever he considers pertinent and all those who have it will be able to enter the website just by registering the E-mail / Name and the password.

To authorize an employee of a cane producing company or an institution related to the sugar sector, the owner or legal representative must send Cenicaña a letter of authorization addressed to Dr. Fernando Villegas, Head of the Technical Cooperation and Transfer Service. Technology - Cenicaña, at Calle 58 norte # 3BN -110 Cali, Valle del Cauca - Colombia. The letter must specify the following from the authorized person:

Full name:
Identification card:
Position: Address:
Name of the farm (s) that you need to see in the Map Server:
Name of the AEPS tools (technologies) that you are authorized to see on the Cenicaña website:
Example: - GRT, -Prioritized Water Balance v.4.0

The use of the password is the responsibility of each registered person or company.

In the case of other NON-DONORING stakeholders, Cenicaña makes available general information on the Colombian sugar agro-industry, meteorological and climatological data, documentation on plant health, description of Cenicaña and references on existing library documentation. In the Library Catalog you will find more than 30,000 records on the cultivation and processing of sugar cane and the description of the Informative Material produced by Cenicaña.
