Field Research Committee, 2005 - 2015

The presentations made in the field research committee are the product of the discussions of this working group. Partial information, ongoing research papers, and research proposals are presented here. If you want to know more details about it, contact Cenicaña or the technician in charge at your plant.

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Year 3

of April

Irrigation management alternatives to face water scarcity
(PDF - 1280 kb)
Speaker : Edgar Hincapié, Soil and Water Engineer - Cenicaña


Water for Life and Sustainability Fund (PDF - 2016 kb)
Speaker : Pedro Moreno - Asocaña

Feb. 4

Director General's Report (PDF - 2016 kb)
Speaker : Alvaro Amaya E., Managing Director - Cenicaña

Climate in the Cauca River Valley: Evolution 2016, Forecast and prediction for quarters-10 and 2016 of 2015 (PDF - 1 kb)
Speaker : Enrique Cortés Betancourt, Meteorological Engineer - Cenicaña

Production 2016. Production forecast 10 (PDF - 2016 kb)
Speaker : Enrique Cortés Betancourt, Meteorological Engineer - Cenicaña

Census of varieties 2016 (PDF - 10 kb)
Speaker : Jorge I. Victoria , Variety Program Director - Cenicaña

Commercial Productivity Indicators and Forecasts (PDF - 2016 kb)
Speaker : Héctor Chica , Biometrist - Cenicaña

Technical Assistance Program - PAT (PDF - 2016 kb)
Speaker : Camilo H. Isaacs , Head of Technical Cooperation and Technology Transfer Service - Cenicaña

Nutrient absorption curves (PDF - 2016 kb)
Speaker : Miguel A. López, physiologist - Cenicaña

Disease diagnosis service (PDF - 2016 kb)
Speaker : Carlos Ariel Ángel, Plant Pathologist - Cenicaña

Technical Tour to Brazil (PDF - 2016 kb)
Speaker : Germán Vargas, Entomologist - Cenicaña


Year 4

November 4th

Director General's Report (PDF - 2015 kb)
Speaker : Alvaro Amaya E., Managing Director - Cenicaña

Climate in the Cauca River Valley: 2015 Evolution, Quarter-11/2015 Prediction, Quarter-2015 / 4 (PDF - 2015 kb)
Speaker : Enrique Cortés Betancourt, Meteorological Engineer - Cenicaña

Commercial Productivity Indicators and Forecasts (PDF - 2015 kb)
Speaker : Héctor Chica , Biometrist - Cenicaña

Tool to identify the variety to be sown in specific agro-ecological zones (PDF - 2015 kb)
Speaker : Jorge I. Victoria , Variety Program Director - Cenicaña

Expansion areas and their production (PDF - 2015 kb)
Speaker : Javier A. Carbonell , Director of the agronomy program - Cenicaña

Improvement of an early maturing population through recurrent selection (PDF - 2015 kb)
Speaker : Fernando Silva A, Plant Breeder - Cenicaña

Evapotranspiration (ETc) and coefficients (Kc) of the variety CC 2015-11 cane crop (PDF - 2015 kb)
Speaker : Edgar Hincapié, Soil and Water Engineer - Cenicaña

September 4

Report of the Director General (PDF - 2015 kb)
Speaker : Alvaro Amaya E., Managing Director - Cenicaña

Climate in the Cauca River Valley: 2015 evolution, 22 projection (PDF - 2015 kb)
Speaker : Enrique Cortés Betancourt, Meteorological Engineer - Cenicaña

Tangible benefits? Of the Water Table (PDF - 2015 kb)
Speaker : Ricardo Cruz , Water Management - Cenicaña

Monitoring of hydrological functions at multiple scales (PDF - 2015 kb)
Speaker : Fanny Hoyos, Water Management - Cenicaña

Recurring Selection (SR) for Sucrose . (PDF - 2015 kb)
Speaker : Fredy A. Salazar, Plant Breeder - Cenicaña

Adoption, monitoring and multiplication of varieties (PDF - 2015 kb)
Speaker : Yarley Ximena Granobles, Agricultural Engineer - Cenicaña

June 4

Commercial production report 2015 and trends 24 (PDF - 2015 kb)
Speaker : Héctor A. Chica R., Biometrist - Cenicaña

Climate in the Cauca River Valley: 2015 evolution, projection for quarter 24 of 2015 (PDF - 2015 kb)
Speaker : Enrique Cortés Betancourt, Meteorological Engineer - Cenicaña

Advances in research on varieties for humid areas (PDF - 2015 kb)
Speaker : Carlos A. Viveros , breeder - Cenicaña

Status III-2015-24.?Mega-dry-semi-dry environment.? Evaluation of the workforce and two soca (PDF - 2015 kb)
Speaker : Fernando Silva A, Plant breeder; Freddy Salazar, Plant Breeder - Cenicaña

Irrigation with reduced flow in flat area. Response of variety CC 2015-24 to water . (PDF - 2015 kb)
Speaker : Doris M. Cruz, Researcher in water management - Cenicaña

Distribution of Diatraea species and their natural enemies in the Cauca river valley (PDF - 2015 kb)
Speaker : Germán Vargas, Entomógolo - Cenicaña

Advances of the Learning and Technical Assistance Program - PAT (PDF - 2015 kb)
Speaker : Maria Claudia Pizarro and Camilo Isaacs, SCTT - Cenicaña

March 4

Climate in the Cauca River Valley during 2015, projection for semester 5 of 2015 (PDF - 2014 kb)
Speaker : Enrique Cortés Betancourt, Meteorological Engineer - Cenicaña

Census of varieties, as of December 2015, 5 (PDF - 2015 kb)
Speaker : Jorge I. Victoria , Variety Program Director - Cenicaña

Commercial production report 2015 and trends 5 (PDF - 2015 kb)
Speaker : Héctor A. Chica R., Biometrist - Cenicaña

Sucrose accumulation dynamics in sugarcane (PDF - 2015 kb)
Speaker : Miguel Angel López, Physiologist - Cenicaña

Dissemination of the X Technical Congress 2015 (PDF - 5 kb)
Speaker : Martha Caballero, Director - Tecnicaña

Current situation of Diatraea in the Cauca river valley: joint management strategy (PDF - 2015 kb)
Speaker : Germán Vargas, Entomógolo - Cenicaña

Year 4

December 4th

Director General's Report (PDF - 2014 kb)
Speaker : Alvaro Amaya E., Managing Director - Cenicaña

Climate in the Cauca River Valley: Evolution during 2014, Forecast Trim-4/2014 – Trim-2014-4 / 2014 (PDF - 1 kb)
Speaker : Enrique Cortés Betancourt, Meteorological Engineer - Cenicaña

Selection of parents for the production of new varieties Cenicaña Colombia (PDF - 2014 kb)
Speaker : Fernando Silva A, Plant Breeder - Cenicaña

Productivity indicators as of October 2014 (PDF - 4 kb)
Speaker : Héctor A. Chica R., Biometrist - Cenicaña

Strategies to improve efficiency in the application of irrigation water in sugarcane cultivation (PDF - 2014 kb)
Speaker : Edgar Hincapie, Ing. Aguas - Cenicaña

Life Cycle Analysis (PDF - 2014 kb)
Speaker : César Trujillo, Chemical Engineer - Cenicaña

Stability analysis - Variety CC 2014-4 (PDF - 2014 kb)
Speaker : Fredy A. Salazar, Plant Breeder - Cenicaña

Impact of Varietal adoption (PDF - 2014 kb)
Speaker : Claudia Posada, Economist; Carlos Moreno, Biometrist - Cenicaña

August 4

Weather conditions for the fourth quarter 2014 and forecast for the first quarter 27 (PDF - 2014 kb)
Speaker : Enrique Cortés Betancourt, Meteorological Engineer - Cenicaña

Presentation of the final report of the study to implement an RTK network for the sugarcane agro-industrial sector (PDF - 2014 kb)
Speaker : Edwin Erazo, Precision Agriculture - Cenicaña

Regional wet zone tests (PDF - 2014 kb)
Speaker : Carlos Viveros, Plant Breeder - Cenicaña

Commercial productivity indicators as of June 2014 (PDF - 27 kb)
Speaker : Héctor A. Chica R., Biometrist - Cenicaña

Report on the shock plan to mitigate drought? In sugarcane cultivation (PDF - 2014 kb)
Speaker : Jose Ricardo Cruz, Engineer Soil and Water - Cenicaña

Apprenticeship and Technical Assistance Program - PAT (PDF - 2014 kb)
Speaker : Camilo H. Isaacs, Chief SCTT - Cenicaña

May 4

Weather conditions for the first quarter 2014 and forecast for the second dry season 28 (PDF - 2014 kb)
Speaker : Javier A. Carbonell, Director of the agronomy program - Cenicaña

Advances in research on varieties for dry semi-dry areas (PDF - 2014 kb)
Speaker : Fredy A. Salazar, Plant Breeder - Cenicaña

Advances in the implementation of an RTK network for the sugarcane agroindustrial sector (PDF - 2014 kb)
Speaker : Edwin Erazo, Precision Agriculture - Cenicaña

Commercial results January-April 2014 (PDF - 28 kb)
Speaker : Alberto Palma, Biometrist - Cenicaña

Photosynthesis response (A) and water use efficiency (WUE) to photosynthetically active radiation in sugarcane (PDF - 2014 kb)
Speaker : Miguel Angel López Murcia, Physiologist - Cenicaña

4 of February

Climate 2014 and forecast for the first half of 26 (PDF - 2014 kb)
Speaker : Javier A. Carbonell, Director of the agronomy program - Cenicaña

Advances in research on varieties for humid areas (PDF - 2014 kb)
Speaker : Carlos Viveros, Plant Breeder - Cenicaña

Study of some of the factors that affect the germination of sugar cane in the Cauca river valley (PDF - 2014 kb)
Speaker : Fernando Villegas T. and Carolina Ramírez C. - Cenicaña

Commercial results January-December 2014 and January 26 (PDF - 2014 kb)
Speaker : Alberto Palma, Biometrist - Cenicaña

Year 4

September 4

Managing Director's Report (PDF - 2013 kb)
Speaker : Alvaro Amaya E., Managing Director - Cenicaña

Behavior of the climate January-September 2013 and Climate projection (PDF - 28 kb)
Speaker : Enrique Cortés, Meteorological Engineer - Cenicaña

Accumulated commercial results as of July 2013 (PDF - 28 kb)
Speaker : Alberto Palma, Biometrist - Cenicaña

Design, assembly and operation of an RTK network for the Colombian sugar sector. Phase 2013: technical feasibility (PDF - 28 kb)
Speaker : Javier A. Carbonell, Director of the agronomy program - Cenicaña

Fertigation (PDF - 2013 kb)
Speaker : Doris M. Cruz, Researcher in water management - Cenicaña

Eccentric Trencher (PDF - 2013 kb)
Speaker : Luis Arnoby Rodríguez, Advisor in agricultural mechanization - Cenicaña

Genetic improvement of sugarcane Research Projects (PDF - 2013 kb)
Exhibitors : Jorge I. Victoria, Variety Program Director - Cenicaña; Fredy Salazar, Plant Breeder - Cenicaña

Behavior of variety CC 2013-28 (PDF - 2013 kb)
Speaker : Luis E. Cuervo, Chief agronomy - Incauca

Feb. 4

Behavior of the climate 2013 and Climate projection first semester 13 (PDF - 2013 kb)
Speaker : Enrique Cortés, Meteorological Engineer - Cenicaña

2013 Business Results, 13 Forecast (PDF - 2013 kb)
Speaker : Alberto Palma, Biometrist - Cenicaña

Sugar sector productivity 2013 (PDF - 13 kb)
Exhibitors : Jorge I. Victoria, Variety Program Director - Cenicaña; Alberto Palma, Biometrist - Cenicaña

Current situation of the yellow leaf virus in sugarcane (PDF - 2013 kb)
Speaker : Juan Carlos Ángel, Plant Pathologist - Cenicaña

Cutting height (PDF - 2013 kb)
Speaker : Fernando Villegas T, Agricultural Mechanization Engineer - Cenicaña

Year 4

November 4th

Effect of the “El Niño” and “La Niña” phenomena on the production of the variety CC 2012-7 with three levels of soil compaction (PDF - 2012 kb)
Speaker : Fernando Villegas T, Agricultural Mechanization Engineer - Cenicaña

ENSO forecast update and climate projection VRC semester 2012 of 7 (PDF - 2012 kb)
Speaker : Enrique Cortés, Meteorological Engineer - Cenicaña

Physiology Area in Cenicaña (PDF - 2012 kb)
Speakers : Jairo Clavijo and Miguel Angel López, Physiologists - Cenicaña

Regional test with varieties of the 2012-7 series. Piedemonte. Squad results and two socas. (PDF - 2012 kb)
Speaker : Fredy Salazar, Plant Breeder - Cenicaña

Commercial productivity results, accumulated as of September 2012 (PDF - 7 kb)
Speaker : Alberto Palma, Biometrist - Cenicaña

August 4th

Climate of the Cauca River Valley 2012: Behavior in the first semester and climate projection for the second semester (PDF - 15 kb)
Speaker : Enrique Cortés, Meteorological Engineer - Cenicaña

Effect of the mixture of stillage and N on the productivity of the variety CC 2012-15 (PDF - 2012 kb)
Speaker : Fernando Muñoz, Edaphologist - Cenicaña

Commercial productivity results, accumulated as of July 2012 (PDF - 15 kb)
Speaker : Alberto Palma, Biometrist - Cenicaña

Identification of characteristics of the plant associated with the greater efficiency in the use of water for the production of sugar cane Saccharum spp. (PDF - 2012 kb)
Speaker : Carlos Viveros, Plant Breeder - Cenicaña

April 4

Project for the multiplication, monitoring and adoption of promising varieties. Progress of the Project and Results of the Main Parcel, at 2012H24 - Hda. Lorena, luck 04 (PDF - 12 kb)
Speaker : Marcela Estrada, Agricultural Engineer - Cenicaña

Macro-scale external conditions. Tropical Pacific Ocean. Year 2012 (PDF - 24 kb)
Speaker : Enrique Cortés, Meteorological Engineer - Cenicaña

Hydroponic evaluation of the nitrogen assimilation efficiency of sugarcane (PDF - 2012 kb)
Speaker : Fernando Muñoz, Edaphologist - Cenicaña

Commercial productivity results, accumulated as of March 2012 (PDF - 24 kb)
Speaker : Alberto Palma, Biometrist - Cenicaña

Feb. 4

Behavior of the climate in the Cauca river valley, year 2012. Climate projection quarter 15 and 2012 of 2011 (PDF - 1 kb)
Speaker : Enrique Cortés, Meteorological Engineer - Cenicaña

Productivity Business Results, January - December 2012 (PDF - 15 kb)
Speaker : Alberto Palma, Biometrist - Cenicaña

Uses and applications of agroecological zoning (PDF - 2012 kb)
Speaker : Camilo H. Isaacs, Chief SCTT - Cenicaña

Year 4

December 4th

Behavior of the climate in the Cauca river valley, year 2011. Climate projection quarter 14 and 2011 of 2011

Business Productivity Results, January - November 2011

Sugarcane varieties with a Site-Specific Agriculture approach

Identification of characteristics of the plant associated with the greater efficiency in the use of water for the production of sugarcane saccharum spp .

Current situation of coffee rust and orange rust in Valle del cauca

October 4 °

Behavior of the climate in the Cauca river valley, semester-2011 of 12. Climate projection semester-2011 of 1

Business Productivity Results, January - August 2011

Results of the squad and first soca of the regional test with varieties from the Series 2011-12. Piedmont

Control of spittlebug, Aeneolamia varia , with entomopathogenic fungi

Evaluation of biostimulants at Ingenio Risaralda

4 of August

Behavior of the climate in the Cauca river valley, semester-2011 of 17. Climate projection semester-2011 of 1

Business productivity results. First semester of 2011

Rust status

New records of insects in sugar cane

Evaluation of ripeners in overturned canes

April 4

Report of the CEO of Cenicaña

Behavior of the climate in the Cauca river valley, first quarter of 2011. Climate projection second and third quarter of 13

Business productivity results

Squad results and two socas of the regional test with varieties of the Series 2011-13

Advances of the variety information system (Sivar)

Aphids in sugarcane and their management

Development of a continuous recording water metering system

Effect of the limiting factors of the productivity of sugarcane cultivation at the intra-luck level

February 4


"El Niño", "La Niña" and the behavior of the climate during 83 in the Cauca river valley Climate projection for the first half of 2011

Development of varieties of sugar cane for the Colombian sugar sector

Business Productivity Results, 2011

Effect of climate on populations of spittlebug, Aeneolamia varia

Sedimentation and its influence on soil fertility

Soil preparation after flood

Year 4

December 4st

Regional test template results with Series 2010-1 varieties. Piedmont


Regional test 2010 series. Humid area

August 4

Results of squad and first soca of the regional test with varieties of the Series 83-2010


”El Niño” 2010-11 and the climate in the Cauca river valley. Climate projection second half of 2010

Orange rust

Commercial Production Results January-June 2010

Evaluation of compaction caused by cane harvesting and transport equipment. Advances

May 4

CEO Report - Cenicaña


Commercial production results in the first quarter of 83

”El Niño” 2010/12: Impact on the climate of the Cauca river valley in 2010. Climate prediction for 2009

Root system of sugarcane

Feb. 4

Report from the CEO - Cenicaña


”El Niño” 2010/10: Impact on the climate of the Cauca river valley in 2010. Climate prediction for 2009

Stability analysis of variety CC 2010-10: in regional test and commercial lots

Irrigation with reduced flow

Analysis of Diatraea infestations in the geographic valley of the Cauca River during 2010 and releases of parasitoids

Year 4

December 4st

Diagnosis of Diatraea infestations in the geographic valley of the Cauca River - 2009


El Niño phenomenon: Impact on the climate of the Cauca river valley. 2009 event evolution. 9 climate prediction

Furrower for sowing on the back and managing the irrigation of germination by gravity

Reed-to-water response function

New projects in the agronomy program

4th June

Practical guide to evaluate the performance of sugarcane harvesting systems in the Cauca river valley


K function to improve irrigation scheduling precision

Spittlebug situation: June 2009

Results of state III of variety selection - 2009. Dry - Semi-dry. First cut

March 4th

CEO Report - Cenicaña


Nitrogen fertilizers and their effect on the nutritional balance of sugarcane

2009 Commercial Production Results

Template results of regional tests with varieties of the series 2009-11

Evaluation of coffee rust (Puccinia melanocephala H. and P. Sydow) in sugarcane varieties in Valle del Cauca

Low flow irrigation: an option for the foothills

Year 4

Nov. 4

Regional tests with varieties of the series 2008, 25 and 2008


Regional tests with varieties of the series 2008, 25, 2008, 98, 01. Dry-Semi-dry Zones

Differences between HCT obtained in regional tests and commercial level results

Work sequence and cost reduction in soil preparation and undercutting

Advances in the determination of sugarcane quality parameters. Estimated recoverable sugar (ARE) and indirect calculations to estimate the production of honey in a sugar mill.

August 4

CEO Report - Cenicaña


Technologies to tackle soil degradation and low water availability


Variety program projects - Cenicaña

Response function of the reed to the water. Experiment at hacienda providencia, luck 2008c.

Varieties - Ingenio Manuelita

Varietal behavior in Incauca, as of July 2008.

Cenitándem subsoiler upgrade

Variety program - Ingenio Risaralda

Production results, as of July 2008 - Ingenio Mayagüez

may 4th

Agroecological zoning validation based on the response of sugarcane varieties



Obtaining and developing varieties 2008

Sequence of work and cost reduction in soil preparation and undermining

Spittlebug situation, first quarter 2008

Feb. 4

Agroecological zones (fourth approximation), 2008


CEO Report - Cenicaña

Spittlebug situation. Fourth quarter of 2008

Evaluation and commercial development of new varieties

Business results, 2008

Year 4

November 4

Monitoring of Total Reducing Sugars (ART) in Incauca


Activities with sugarcane spittlebugs in the Cauca river valley, 2007

Evaluation of potential areas for sugarcane cultivation in Colombia

Project: Cutting, lifting, transportation and delivery of cane (CATE) in the sugar industry

August 4

Project: Cut - Alce - Transport and Reception of cane - CATE in the Sugar Industry

Situation and management of spittlebug: progress to August 2007

Validation and refinement of moisture groups for agroecological zoning

Preliminary report XXVI Congress of the ISSCT

Feb. 4

CEO Report - Cenicaña

Commercial results 2007

Evaluation and commercial development of new varieties

Year 2006

4th June

CEO Report - Cenicaña

4 of March

Field design in humid areas

Cane ripeners

Varieties cultivated by the sugar industry as of December 2006, 01

Commercial results 2006

Experimental evaluation with sugar beet

Population improvement. Recurring selection for sucrose content

Year 4

4th June

Varieties for mechanized harvesting

Research results in drip irrigation

Advances with ripeners

Situation of borers in the Cauca river valley (Information presented to the Biological Control Committee, June 02, 06)

4 of March

Commercial production results 03

Follow-up to the adoption of technology in Ingenio Manuelita 03 - 03

Regional tests: series 2005, 2 and 22 (Information presented in the Variety Committee, February 02, 05)

Diatraea situation in Valle del Cauca


President: Gustavo Medina, Field Superintendent - Ingenio La Cabaña SA


Central Tumaco
Rodolfo Conde

Central Tumaco
Reynaldo Arango

Jairo nova

Jorge Julio Herrada

Luis Eduardo Cuervo

Alfonso Camargo

The hut
Gustavo Medina

The hut
Pedro Ivan Bastidas

The hut
Jairo valencia

Napoleon Bernal

Abelardo Vasco

Daniel galvis

Ricardo A. Palomino G.

Paula Tatiana Uribe

Maria Luisa
Ruben Dario Camacho M.

Jorge Enrique Pantoja

Yohana Patricia Melo

Álvaro Gómez González

Álvaro JoséL

Oscar Mauricio Delgado

Paula Valencia

Diana Milena Alvarez

Riopaila - Castile
Alexander Bohorquez

Riopaila - Castile
Ricardo A. Palomino

Riopaila - Castile
Luis Enrique Saavedra Pardo

Riopaila - Castile
Juan Carlos Martinez

Riopaila - Castile
Abraham Victoria Olivares

Riopaila - Castile
Armando Orejuela

Augustus Basque

Amanda villegas

Saint Charles
Alberto Roldan

* As of December 1, 2015


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