CC 01-1940: a cost effective option for wet environments

This variety has stood out for its results in different agro-ecological zones, significantly surpassing the varieties CC 84-75 and CC 85-92.


The variety CC 01-1940 was born as a result of the polycrossing carried out in 1999 between the Colombian varieties CCSP 89-1997 (mother) with the varieties CC 91-1867 and CC 91-1583 (parents). State I was planted in Incauca on the Cachimbalito farm, luck 30Z and the plant was selected in 2001 to move to state II.

Agronomic characteristics

Germination is adequate. Tillering is 9-13 stems per vine. Flowering is null or very scarce.

What is happening in productivity?

For a productivity analysis, the same group of lots was taken and the average production of these from 2009 to 2013 was calculated with CC 01-1940 (316 harvest events) and the average production from 1990 to 2013 with other varieties ( 55,110 harvest events). 

This is what it came up with:

  • 118 of TCH with CC 01-1940.
  • 108 of TCH with other varieties
  • 13.41 of TAH with CC 01-1940
  • 12.49 of TAH with the other varieties
  • 11.39% yield with CC 01-1940
  • 11.54% yield with the other varieties.

Health and recommendations 

Highly resistant to charcoal, brown rust, orange rust and mosaic diseases; and it has a low incidence of yellow leaf virus. Intermediate to Diatraea spp. and susceptible to A. varies.

“The results obtained by Cenicaña in its regional tests and the La Cabaña sugar mill motivated us to make a rapid multiplication of CC 01-1940 and in one year we went from having 15 ha to 1.200 ha. So far our results have been excellent both in tonnage and sucrose. Initially, we were concerned about the low sucrose problems that were discussed at the industry level, but it has responded to agronomic management and some results even exceed CC 93-4418 and CC 85-92. For this, the agronomic management that we are giving it has been key ”. 

Louis Edward Raven
Head of Agronomy. Incauca sugar mill




CC 01-1940 was not a product of chance, but something planned to be known and moved to see where it could be viable to increase the productivity of the mill in humid areas. The experience has been gratifying because we have the support with real data from areas already planted where it became a solution. It is necessary to improve the yield a little with a differentiated agronomic management, but it is a reality as a productivity alternative ”.

Pedro Bastidas
Head of Agronomy. Ingenio La Cabaña




To consult

The full working document Semi-commercial evaluation with grinding test of variety CC 01-1940 at Ingenio Sancarlos is available at

Information letter
Year 1 / Number 3 / December 2013

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