Soil and leaf tissue analysis: technical and quality support for growers and mills

Cenicaña offers this service which is an effective, fast and economical alternative to counteract problems of low productivity caused by the nutritional conditions of the crop.

Soil samples should be taken in good time for processing in the laboratory. Results are delivered in 15 business days.

The maximum concentration point of sucrose and tons of cane in a cane crop is determined by multiple factors. One of them is the physical and chemical characteristics of soils.

For this reason, although a good variety is selected according to the agro-ecological zone, adequate cultivation practices are implemented and there are even excellent climatic conditions, to guarantee the optimal development of a plantation, its nutrition must also be ensured.

An efficient way to identify the deficiency or toxicity caused by some of the essential nutrients for the plant and to quantify its availability for the plantation is the analysis of soils and foliar tissue. Based on these, fertilization recommendations and amendments can be made that lead to an optimal development of the plant.

Cenicaña offers these two services to sugar mills and growers as they are a useful means of determining whether a drop in productivity is due to a nutritional deficiency or to other factors such as climatic or physical factors such as soil compaction.

An added value that Cenicaña offers to the users of these services is that the soil analysis includes recommendations for fertilizers and amendments for the cane productive units with specifications on doses, times, sources and application methods. The recommendations are contained in the Expert Fertilization System, which is the result of the research process carried out by the Center.

Additionally, this service has quality certification in the NTC ISO 9001: 2008 standard, which means that it has documented, standardized, validated and controlled methods and procedures, guaranteeing greater effectiveness in data analysis for decision-making by its users.

To be considered

  • To use the service, the user must request an appointment at the Cenicaña Chemistry Laboratory. Telephone: (602) 524 66 11 - ext. 5149
  • At the appointment, the completed Request for Soil Analysis and / or foliar tissue form (PDF-Excel), copy of the consignment or payment receipt (Bancolombia Savings Account no. 3068-7171-376), copy of the single tax registration certificate (RUT) and the soil and / or leaf tissue samples.
  • The costs of the service by type of analysis and the indications for taking the samples can be consulted at
Information letter
Year 1 / Number 3 / December 2013

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