Required: professional in soil science

General description

Job title: Pedologist
Immediate boss: Agronomy Program Director
Dependence: Agronomy Program
Place of work: Experimental station, via Cali - Florida Km. 26.

Purpose of the charge

Execute research in the area of ​​plant nutrition and cane fertilization, identifying priorities and formulating proposals that provide solutions to the technological requirements of the sector, generating through research, recommendations for fertilizers and amendments, nutrition management practices, in such a way that the products obtained are competitive, profitable and sustainable for the producers, in accordance with the policies and purposes of Cenicaña. The transfer of results and their adoption by clients constitute one of the important challenges of the position.


  • Professional degree from a national or foreign university of recognized academic level, in any of the following areas: Agronomic Engineering, Agrology, with professional registration.
  • Doctorate with emphasis in any of the following areas: Plant nutrition, Soil fertility, Genesis and soil morphology.
  • Desirable to have studied soil chemistry, soil physics and soil microbiology during the master's degree and/or doctorate.
  • Fluent English essential, speaking, reading and writing.


Indispensable, 3 years in:

  • Plant nutrition and Fertilization in crops

Desirable, in:

  • Management of areas and processes similar to those of crop nutrition and fertilization.
  • Soil morphology and classification.
  • Management of experimental designs and geostatistics
  • Management of cost and quality indexes
  • Detection of needs and sizing of work platforms
  • Management of environmental indices related to the soil
  • Results presentation
  • Writing of technical articles
  • Agronomic management of crops and their relationship soil, water, plant

Specific competences of the position:


  • Identify practices that maintain or improve the fertility or health of the soil without reducing the profitability of the crop.
  • Develop research on sources, doses, forms and times of application of fertilizers and amendments according to the requirements of the crop in the different agroecological zones.
  • Update the fertilization recommendations for the agroecological zones according to recent results.
  • Formulate fertilizer and amendment recommendations based on soil and tissue analysis results.
  • Be competent in the design of experiments and in the statistical analysis of the information collected.
  • Validate the research results through tests that allow the confirmation of their agronomic and economic advantages.


  • Formulate research projects based on the needs and opportunities of the programs and the sector.
  • Budgeting the resource needs to achieve the purposes of the processes.
  • Program the activities necessary to achieve the objectives of the processes.
  • Manage resources and national and international alliances necessary for the execution of the projects and the activities of the processes.
  • Present reports for internal and external use according to requirements.
  • Evaluate the results of the processes by using the established indicators.
  • Propose initiatives that benefit the processes and the institution.
  • Implement improvements in the technologies used that contribute to the efficiency and effectiveness of the processes.


  • Resource and staff management: Optimize the assigned resources and personnel, achieving the proposed objectives.
  • Analysis and solution of problems: Resolve contingencies that arise in the development of research and the provision of services, ensuring compliance with established commitments.
  • Ability to plan and organize: Establish objectives by defining goals, actions and responsibilities consistent with institutional strategies.
  • Creativity: Propose innovative ideas in research and services formulating actions for their development.
  • Flexibility: Work in different situations, with diverse people and groups, contributing effectively to institutional achievements.
  • Interaction with the environment: Interact with representatives of the different sectors of the community, keeping in mind that their actions should strengthen the institutional image.
  • Comprehensive vision: Identify challenging opportunities of institutional and sectoral interest proposing attainable goals.


Research Center of Sugar Cane of Colombia, Cenicaña.


Experimental Station, via Cali-Florida km 26, San Antonio de los Caballeros, Florida, Valle del Cauca, Colombia.

General terms of employment:

Cenicaña offers a competitive salary based on the applicant's experience.

Have a valid driving license, be linked to professional and/or scientific associations. Residence in Cali or Palmira. Military card.

Contact information: 

Candidates should send their resume to

Deadline: Monday, March 30, 2022

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