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PAT-RS | Economic criteria to support the decision to renew your cultivation

14 February, 2024 | 1:30 pm - 3:00 pm

Cali, Colombia. (UTC-5), Colombia
+ (57-2) 322 6746944

During the event, we will talk about:

The renewal decision: The efficient use of resources implies the generation of positive economic results. This training will provide basic elements to use the economic model of variety renewal. This model allows each renewal decision to be made taking into account the financial result of the model, in order to choose the alternative that most increases profitability.

The information that the model considers as an investment includes:
1. Adequacy, 2. Preparation 3. Sowing 4. What is not gained if the current cycle continues 5. Cost of the money invested (from 1 to 4).

Who is it for:

  • Suppliers and professionals of the Risaralda mill

Enrollment and registration process

  • Dear farmer of Ingenio Risaralda, you will receive a personalized link to enter the virtual training in your email.


claudia contreras

Master in Economics – Economist at the Cenicaña Analytics Service.


14 February, 2024
1: 30 pm - 3: 00 pm
Event Category: