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Mechanical harvest training.

October 14, 2022 | 7:00 am - 4:00 pm

Florida, Valle del Cauca Colombia
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+57 322 6746944 – WhatsApp


Three theoretical sessions of 8 hours each will be held on October 7, 14 and 21 at the Cenicaña facilities, and on October 28 a field day to evaluate concepts in a mechanical harvest front of a sugar mill.

Who is it for: 

  • Coordinators, Supervisors and/or harvest front managers.

Training content: 

  • Module for confirmation and assurance of basic knowledge of mechanical harvesting (machines, equipment, field designs, cultivation and technological improvements).
  • Module for the study of critical elements of success (foreign matter, cane losses, field damage, measurement methodologies, means of improvement, control strategies to increase process efficiency.)
  • Module on the administration of the operation, cost control and maintenance administration in the field.
  • Evaluative module on applied technologies and use of intelligent systems in the operation of the harvester (Field day).

Module II (October 14, 2022)

2. Study module of critical elements of success
2.1 Raw Material Quality.
2.2 Strange matter-Vegetable and mineral impurities.
2.3 The cane lost in the field.
2.4 Field damage in summer and winter.
2.5 field design.
2.6 Furrow geometry for mechanical harvesting.
2.7 Traffic of equipment in the field-Compaction and trampling.

Module III (October 21, 2022)

3. Operation administration module.
3.1 Analysis of installed capacity of chain cutter-tractor and delivery to transport.
3.2 Chain logistics.
3.3 Analysis of equipment queues in the field and on the roads – James Shamblin's Theory.
3.4 Methodological evaluation of harvester performance.
3.5 Effect of unloading on the delivery efficiency of mechanical harvesting.
3.6 Field mechanical setup guidelines.
3.7 Proper use of harvester telemetry.
3.8 Current intelligent systems in mechanical harvesters (autopilot, autofloat, field cruise, autotracker and Smart clean)

Module IV (October 28, 2022)

4. field practice
4.1 Field conditions and cut quality
4.2 chunk quality
4.3 Harvesting and chaining operation efficiency evaluation.
4.4 Preparatory work on topics studied (date to be agreed with the course)

Module I (October 7, 2022): 

1. Introduction to the Sugar Cane Harvest, CATE II Macroproject
1.1 Generalities on mechanical harvesting
2 Getting to know the combine
2.1 Combine mechanical systems
2.2 Combine Hydraulics
2.3 Combine electro-hydraulic system
2.4 Capacities and specifications
2.5 base cutting system
2.6 Feeding system
2.7 cutting system
2.8 Garbage extraction system-Theory and practice of extraction
2.9 Cane delivery system-cane in the air-General
2.10 Harvester operational capabilities.


1. Teach and verify the basic operational concepts in the measurement systems of the mechanical harvest efficiency and the knowledge of the current technology, for the administration.
Optimize the methods and ways of harvesting, avoiding damage and loss of raw material and cultivation infrastructure, in dry weather and in the rainy season (winter).
Learn to identify problems and potential common and special causes of variation that affect quality, quantity, time, and cost results.
Learn about the online control of the equipment by taking advantage of satellite technologies, sensor control and intelligent software reports.

Registration and registration process:

  1. training is Delivery to Italy takes one or two business days, with limited availability No. of People: 30 ( 2 per Wit) which must be reserved by previously registering online.
  2. Make your registration online through the registration form available on this page (Register now).
  3. You will receive a confirmation email in which you will obtain a ticket with the (unit’s QR code) that endorses your registration.
  4. Present the ticket (QR code) on the day of the training to register your attendance. It can be carried printed or on the mobile.


Juanita Sierra Becerra.

Industrial Microbiologist from the University of Santander. Researcher linked to the factory processes program. She has 5 years of experience in the determination of sucrose losses due to microbial action associated with the sugar production process and in the identification of impurities that affect the fermentation process.


Maria Alejandra Gomez.

Industrial Chemistry, Master's in Engineering with emphasis on quality and productivity. She is a researcher linked to the Factory Processes Program as leader of the cane quality project, developing research associated with sucrose losses between cutting and grinding, standardization of methodologies related to foreign matter and direct analysis of sucrose. With more than 10 years of experience in areas of quality and process improvement in industries of the agro-industrial sector and mass consumption.



October 14, 2022
7: 00 am - 4: 00 pm
Event Category:
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Phone number
+576025246611 ext. 5025