Last Past Events

Strategies to adapt sugar production to changes in raw materials and diversification

Face-to-face event at: Experimental Station Cenicaña, Florida

During the event, we will talk about: Feasible technologies to adapt processes to the changes in raw materials that the sector has been experiencing and promote manufacturing performance, in addition to promoting diversification alternatives. Who is it aimed at: Registration and registration process Exhibitors: Cyril Leenhardt MSc, CEO Applexion Americas (United States) Senior executive, MSc […]


Ceniprof 3.0 | M5. Complete factory analysis with technical-economic analysis option.

Virtual training Cali, Colombia. (UTC-5)

Description This training presents the most relevant aspects of the use of the Ceniprof 3.0 process simulation software aimed at the analysis of factory processes in the production process of white, refined sugar and ethanol. The main benefits of the new version of the tool are highlighted to facilitate the analysis […]
