Last Past Events

Concaña connects 2024: RS, RP, SC, CM mills.

Asorut Auditorium Km 3 Via La Unión - La Victoria, La Unión

During the event, we will talk about: Who it is aimed at: The Risaralda, Riopaila, San Carlos and Carmelita sugar mills. Exhibitors: Freddy Fernando Garcés General Director Cenicaña Agricultural engineer and doctor in phytopathology and crop physiology. In 1996, he joined Cenicaña as a young researcher at Colciencias and later as a phytopathologist. Then he was working […]


Concaña connects 2024: CB, OC, LC sugar mills.

Face-to-face event at: Experimental Station Cenicaña, Florida

During the event, we will talk about: Who it is aimed at: To the Cabaña, Oeste and Lucerna sugar mills. Exhibitors: Freddy Fernando Garcés General Director Cenicaña Agricultural engineer and doctor in phytopathology and crop physiology. In 1996, he joined Cenicaña as a young researcher at Colciencias and later as a phytopathologist. He then worked for several […]


Concaña connects 2024: MY, CC, ML, CA mills.

Face-to-face event at: Experimental Station Cenicaña, Florida

During the event, we will talk about: Who it is aimed at: The Mayagüez, Castilla, María Luisa and Cauca sugar mills. Exhibitors: Freddy Fernando Garcés General Director Cenicaña Agricultural engineer and doctor in phytopathology and crop physiology. In 1996, he joined Cenicaña as a young researcher at Colciencias and later as a phytopathologist. Then he was working […]
