What varieties of cane are sown in the world? Part II

In the varietal censuses, the most planted varieties by region and country are recorded. In the previous edition of the Informative Letter, varieties from Australia, Guatemala and Florida were presented in the United States. Next, other cane agro-industries.

In the varietal censuses, the most planted varieties by region and country are recorded. In the previous edition of the Informative Letter, varieties from Australia, Guatemala and Florida were presented in the United States. Next, other cane agro-industries.


Chaves-Solera, MA (2014). In ATALAC (Eds). Dynamics of commercially cultivated sugarcane varieties in the Guanacaste region, Costa Rica (pp. 59-69). San Jose, Costa Rica: ATALAC

Chaves-Solera, MA (2015). Main varieties of cane commercially cultivated in some countries with a sugar tradition in the American continent. Recovered from https://www.laica.co.cr/biblioteca/servlet/DownloadServlet?c=443&s=1753&d=19315

Chaves Solera, MA, Bermúdez Acuña, L. & Méndez Pérez, D. (2018). Analysis of final agro-industrial results of the 2016-2017 harvest. Recovered from https://www.laica.co.cr/biblioteca/verSubcategoria.do?p=1&c=443&s=1777

Fandos, C., Scandaliaris, J., Scandaliaris, P….. Romero, ER (2018). Harvestable area and production of sugar cane and sugar for the 2018 harvest in Tucumán. Agroindustrial Report, 148, 1-12

Giardina, JA, Duarte, DN, Fajre, S…..Digonzelli, A. (2018). Evolution of the Vitroplantas Project of the EEAOC Production of High Quality Seed Cane in Tucumán, period 2013-2017. Agroindustrial Advance, 39(2), 22-27. Retrieved September 6, 2018 from http://www.eeaoc.org.ar/publicaciones/categoria/14/854/06-AA-39-2.html

Kadwa, M. Ramburan, S., Nicholson, RJ & Redshaw, KA (2017). A financial estimate of the mill area-scale benefits of variety adoption in South Africa: a simplistic approach. Proceedings of South African Sugar Technologists Association, 90, 51-61

Madho, S., Essop, R., Visram, K., Davis, SB & Bhyrodeyal, L. (2018) Ninety-Third annual review of the milling season in Southern Africa (2017/18). Proceedings of South African Sugar Technologists Association, 91, 19-51

SK Shukla, Adil Zubair, SK Awasthi, AD Pathak (2018). Sugarcane Varieties Identified by AICRP (S) in India. Recovered from http://www.iisr.nic.in/aicrp/download/FinalBookSugarcaneVarieties.pdf

Secretary of Agriculture, Livestock, Rural Development, Fisheries and Food - SAGARPA, National Committee for the Sustainable Development of Sugar Cane - CONADESUCA & Autonomous University of Chapingo (2016). New varieties of sugarcane. Recovered from https://www.gob.mx/cms/uploads/attachment/file/136406/NotaNuevasVariedadesd_Cana_deAzucar.compressed.pdf

Secretary of Agriculture, Livestock, Rural Development, Fisheries and Food - SAGARPA, National Committee for the Sustainable Development of Sugarcane - CONADESUCA & Autonomous University of Chapingo (2016). Varieties with better yields in sugarcane areas in Mexico. Recovered from https://www.gob.mx/cms/uploads/attachment/file/114367/Nota_Informativa_Febrero_2016_Variedades_con_Mejores_Rendimientos_de_las_Zonas_Ca_eras_en_M_xico.pdf

Secretary of Agriculture, Livestock, Rural Development, Fisheries and Food - SAGARPA, National Committee for the Sustainable Development of Sugarcane - CONADESUCA (2018). Final report of cane and sugar production: Figures of final runs of the 2017/18 harvest. Recovered from https://www.gob.mx/cms/uploads/attachment/file/371833/REPORTE_FINAL_.pdf

Singels, A., McFarlane, SA, Nicholson, RJ, Conlong, DE, Sithole, P. & Titshall, LW (2018). Review of South African sugarcane production in the 2017/18 season: are we out of the woods? Proceedings of South African Sugar Technologists Association, 91, 1-18

Singels, A., McFarlane, SA, Nicholson, RJ, Way, M. & Sithole, P. (2017). Review of South African sugarcane production in the 2017/18 season: light at the end of the tunnel? Proceedings of South African Sugar Technologists Association, 90, 1-19

South African Sugarcane Research Institute - SASRI (2018). Progress Report 2016/17. Johannesburg: SASRI.

Unión Nacional de Cañeros AC (2018) The 2017/2018 harvest in Mexico concludes, reaching 6 million tons of sugar. Retrieved September 6, 2018, from http://caneros.org.mx/concluye-la-zafra-2017-2018-en-mexico-se-alcanzan-6-millones-de-toneladas-de-azucar/

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Information letter 
Year 6 / Number 2 / October 2018

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