Water for Life and Sustainability Fund

The Water for Life and Sustainability Fund (FAPVS) is a social and environmental program of the Colombian sugar sector in the upper geographical valley of the Cauca River; It is an effort of unions, private companies, public entities and non-profit organizations of an environmental and social nature that have committed resources to carry out actions for the protection and conservation of the watersheds of the rivers that drain their waters into the Cauca River; it covers the north of the department of Cauca, Valle del Cauca and south of Risaralda.

The resources are destined to the co-financing of actions for the protection and conservation of strategic ecosystems for the production and regulation of water, food security, direct participation of families and indirectly of families that benefit from sidewalk aqueducts and in some cases of townships.

The Fund is coordinated by Asocaña. Cenicaña participates since its creation as part of the Steering Committee. In 2013 the Water for Life and Sustainability Fund was listed by the Colombian Minister of the Environment as a national model.


Maintain necessary flows for the supply of drinking water, its agricultural and industrial use, and for the conservation of biodiversity through a multiple agreement strategy.

Social and environmental indicators obtained

  • 1157 families directly benefited and / or trained in natural resource management and sustainable production.
  • 2068 people trained in natural resource management and sustainable production.
  • 36 community organizations strengthened in their organizational and operational aspects.
  • 359 sustainable production modules implemented.
  • 53 educational centers sensitized to environmental issues.
  • 79 aqueducts benefited with the protection of their water sources.
  • Isolations of riparian forests, native forests and stream banks of 506 km have been carried out.
  • 642 protected births.
  • 7889 hectares under protection (hectares under natural regeneration and protection).
  • 1232 hectares of reconversion from extensive livestock to more friendly with nature (protein banks) and forest strips.
  • 585 hectares established of Landscape Management Tools (HMP) in coffee zone.
  • 299.923 trees of native species planted.
  • 10 natural reserves of civil society (RNSC) with support for the declaration as protected areas.

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