Varieties for humid environment in the Cauca river valley

Cenicaña advances in the development of varieties for humid environments in the Cauca river valley, of the humidity groups H3, H4 and H5, which produce 15% more cane than the commercial control (CC 85-92) and with sucrose content higher by 5%. Additionally, they must be resistant to charcoal, brown rust, orange rust and mosaic and have little or no flowering and high tillering.

Cenicaña advances in the development of varieties for humid environments in the Cauca river valley, of the humidity groups H3, H4 and H5, which produce 15% more cane than the commercial control (CC 85-92) and with sucrose content higher by 5%. Additionally, they must be resistant to charcoal, brown rust, orange rust and mosaic and have little or no flowering and high tillering.

Although these are preliminary results, the varieties CC 09-874 and CC 10-450 have stood out for significantly exceeding the control variety in three of the four experiments carried out in selection stages III. 

Below is a summary of the results obtained in each of the experiments. It is important to clarify that the results are valid for the humid environment and times during which the evaluations were carried out, which is why the results are presented for each of the sites where the experimentation was carried out.

Experiments in Incauca

Selection states: III.
Series: 2008 (2 varieties), 2009 (11 varieties) and 2010 (32 varieties).
Witness: CC 85-92

Hacienda Egypt, luck 4, agro-ecological zone 5H5: Hydrological conditions characteristic of the humid environment were presented, precipitation was high up to ten months of cultivation and the harvest took place in August 2013, at 13 months of the workforce.

Main results of the analysis of variance:

  • Varieties with highly significant differences in tons of cane per hectare (TCH) with respect to the control: CC 09-874 (21% more TCH).
  • Varieties with highly significant differences in tons of sucrose per hectare (TSH) with respect to the control: CC 09-874 (34%), CC 09-822 (31%) and CC 10-503 (26%). 
  • The variety CC 10-503 exceeded the commercial control in sucrose (% cane) by 14% and was the best of the group. The other two varieties, CC 09-874 and CC 09-822, had a sucrose (% cane) equal to CC 85-92.
  • In TCH the other controls, CC 01-1940 and CC 93-4418, had statistically equal values ​​to CC 85-92.

Hacienda Egypt, luck 10, agro-ecological zone 5H5: the hydrological conditions during the development of the crop were those that characterize the humid zone and the precipitation was high up to ten months of cultivation. The harvest took place in September 2013, at 13 months of age.

Main results of the analysis of variance:

  • Varieties with highly significant differences in TCH compared to the control: CC 10-476 (42%), CC 09-874 (31%), CC 10-450 (30%), CC 10-464 (29%), CC 10- 226 (25%) and CC 09-888 (20%). 
  • These same varieties had a sucrose (% cane) equal to that of the control. 
  • Varieties with highly significant differences in TSH compared to the control: CC 10-476 (54%), CC 10-450 (36%), CC 09-874 (29%) and CC 10-464 (25%). 
  • In TCH, controls CC 01-1940 and CC 93-4418 had statistically equal values ​​to CC 85-92.

Experiments at La Cabaña

Selection states: III.
Series: 2008 (2 varieties), 2009 (11 varieties) and 2010 (32 varieties).
Witness: CC 85-92

Hacienda Cabaña, luck 65x, agroecological zone 10H4: the hydrological conditions were different from the characteristics of the agroecological zone. The crop had a dry season between four and five months and high rainfall up to ten months of age. The harvest of the template took place in September 2013 at 12.8 months of age. 

Main results of the analysis of variance:

  • Varieties with highly significant differences in TCH compared to the control: CC 10-469 (33%), CC 09-830 (31%), CC 10-199 (31%), CC 09-888 (27%), CC 10- 277 (26%), 
  • CC 10-404 (25%), CC 10-450 (25%), CC 10-503 (25%), CC 09-822 (23%), CC 09-874 (22%), CC 10-476 ( 20%), CC 10-328 (19%), CC 10-195 (17%), CC 10-332 (17%) and CC 10-522 (16%).
  • Some of the previous varieties had a sucrose (% cane) lower than the control.
  • Varieties with highly significant differences in TSH compared to the control: CC 09-874 (40%), CC 10-469 (36%), CC 10-503 (34%), CC 09-830 (33%), CC 09- 822 (30%), CC 10-476 (30%), CC 10-332 (29%), CC 09-888 (24%), CC 10-450 (22%) and CC 10-199 (20%) .
  • In this experiment, the controls CC 01-1940 and CC 93-4418 statistically surpassed the variety CC 85-92 in TCH, in TSH they had statistically higher values ​​than CC 85-92.

Hacienda Cabaña, lucky 65xa, agroecological zone 10H4: the hydrological conditions were different from those of the agro-ecological zone. The staff had a dry season between four and five months and high rainfall up to ten months of age. The harvest took place in September 2013 at 12.5 months of age. 

Main results of the analysis of variance:

  • In this experiment the controls CC 85-92 and CC 93-4418 behaved the same in TCH and TSH and were statistically surpassed by CC 01-1940.
  • Varieties with highly significant differences in TCH compared to the control: CC 10-450 (45%), CC 09-822 (41%), CC 10-195 (40%), CC 10-522 (35%), CC 10- 205 (34%), CC 10-469 (33%), CC 10-226 (29%) and CC 10-478 (27%).
  • The sucrose contents were the highest of the four experiments and for this reason some varieties managed to statistically exceed CC 85-92 in TSH. 
  • Varieties with highly significant differences in TSH compared to the control: CC 10-450 (55%), CC 10-469 (46%), CC 09-830 (44%), CC 10-226 (43%), CC 10- 334 (43%), CC 10-205 (42%), CC 10-195 (42%), CC 10-522 (42%), CC 09-822 (33%) and CC 09-874 (33%) .


  • The variety CC 09-874 was significantly higher in TSH than CC 85-92 in the two experiments of Incauca in 34% and 29% and in those of La Cabaña, in 40% and 33%, showing its high potential for humid areas . 
  • The variety CC 10-450 stood out because it significantly exceeded CC 85-92 in 22% and 55% in TSH in the two La Cabaña experiments; in Incauca it exceeded 36% in TSH in one experiment, while in the other it was equal to the control. This variety comes from the cross CC 93-4418 x Co 775 made in Mexico. 
  • CC 09-830 and CC 10-469 were the other varieties that significantly exceeded CC 85-92 in TSH in both experiments at La Cabaña. The following varieties outperformed the control CC 85-92 in one experiment at La Cabaña and in the other they were the same: CC 09-822, CC 09-888, CC 10-195, CC 10-226, CC 10-332, CC 10 -334, CC 10-476, CC 10-503, CC 10-522 and CC 10-657.
  • In Incauca varieties CC 09-822, CC 10-450, CC 10-464, CC 10-476 and CC 10-503 significantly exceeded CC 85-92 in TSH in one of the experiments and in the other they were equal . 
  • In both La Cabaña experiments, the variety CC 01-1940 significantly outperformed CC 85-92, but the same did not occur in the Incauca experiments.


Carlos Arturo Viveros Valens, Cenicaña; Luis E. Cuervo, Incauca; Pedro I. Bastidas, Ingenio La Cabaña; and Juan Carlos Ángel, Cenicaña.

Information letter 
Year 2 / Number 1 / July 2014

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