Varieties for dry-semi-dry environment, State III

The process of genetic improvement of the Cenicaña Colombia (CC) varieties is continuous; The purpose of the Research Center is to increase the frequency of those genes that control the characteristics of sugarcane of interest in the national sugar agroindustry. That is why varieties with specific adaptation in the agroecological conditions of the Cauca river valley are sought.

The process of genetic improvement of the Cenicaña Colombia (CC) varieties is continuous; The purpose of the Research Center is to increase the frequency of those genes that control the characteristics of sugarcane of interest in the national sugar agroindustry. That is why varieties with specific adaptation in the agroecological conditions of the Cauca river valley are sought.

The development of the new varieties begins with the crosses (see diagram); With the plants obtained, the breeders follow an evaluation process that includes three selection stages (each during two cuts: template and soca) and a regional test (three cuts). As a product of this process, promising varieties are identified in each environment (dry-semi-dry, humid and piedmont), which are delivered to farmers as alternatives to take into account in decisions to renew the crop in specific agro-ecological zones.

Below are the advances in the dry-semi-dry environment.

Description of the experiment

The results correspond to the analysis of 57 varieties that were evaluated in State III of the selection process between October 2011 and March 2014. A lattice design was used for the sowing of the experiment and eight varieties were taken into account as commercial reference controls. ; this report shows the comparison with CC 85-92.

The hydrological conditions at each site (precipitation, P; evapotranspiration, Et) during the development of the crop were:

La Real Estate, Manuelita sugar mill (Corinthian soil; agroecological zone 6H1). In staff, P = 1198 mm / year and Et = 1065 mm / year; in first pit, P = 1082 mm / year and Et = 1144 mm / year.

Chontaduro Farm, Ingenio Providencia, (Palmira, Palmeras, Jordán and Nima soils; 11H1). In staff, P = 1250 mm / year and Et = 1422 mm / year. In first row, P = 990 mm / year and Et = 1103 mm / year.

The Aurora Farm, Ingenio Providencia (Corinthian soil, 6H1). Only the template was harvested (P = 1146 mm / year and Et = 1070 mm / year).

Combined productivity analysis in five locations 

For the analysis, each cut in each farm is considered as a locality, so in this case five localities are taken into account.

The variety CC 85-92 (commercial control) produced 14.5% sucrose% cane; 158 t / ha of cane and 22.8 t / ha of sucrose.

In the combined analysis of the experiment, low coefficients of variation were obtained, between 6.6% and 12.1%. Regarding the productivity variables, highly significant statistical differences were observed between varieties.

Averages and ranges

14.5% sucrose% cane [12.7-15.9%]  
26% of the new varieties showed significant relative gains in sucrose% cane compared to CC 85-92 (up to 10.3% more sucrose% cane).

54 t / ha cane [126-196 t / ha]  
22% of the varieties showed gains in cane tonnage per hectare (up to 23.9% more t / ha).

22.3 t / ha sucrose [18.2-27.5 t / ha]  
23% of the varieties showed maximum gains in sucrose tonnage per hectare (up to 20.8% more t / ha).

Varieties with outstanding results

By presenting between 9% and 18% more tons of sucrose per hectare than CC 85-92, through the cane tonnage: CC 09-066, CC 09-168, CC 08-352, CC 08-145, CC 09 -368.

For presenting between 5% and 10% more sugarcane% content than the control CC 85-92: CC 09-395, CC 09-189, CC 09-222, CC 09-235, CC 09-225, CC 09- 251.


Hacienda La Real (two cuts, zone 6H1) 
Varieties with high values ​​of sucrose (t / ha) through the sugarcane tonnage and sucrose% sugarcane values ​​equal to CC 85-92: CC 09-066, CC 09-251, CC 09-168, CC 09-260 .

Hacienda Chontaduro (two cuts, zone 11H1) 
Varieties with the highest sucrose values ​​(t / ha), greater than CC 85-92 in 6% (CC 08-16) and 5% (CC 08-352): CC 08-16, CC 08-352.

Hacienda La Aurora (squad, zone 6h1)
Varieties with sucrose values ​​higher than 28.1 t / ha, that is, between 19% and 32% more than CC 85-92: CC 09-066, CC 08-145, CC 09-304, CC 09-189, CC 09- 251, CC 08-352. 

Varieties in experimentation.


FREDY A. SALAZAR. Plant breeder, Variety Program, Cenicaña. JORGE I. VICTORIA. Director, Variety Program, Cenicaña.
OSCAR M. DELGADO. Head of Agronomy, Ingenio Providencia. YURI PERALTA. Head of agronomy, Manuelita mill.


Technical Recommendations Guide (GRT): Recommendations for the agronomic management of sugarcane cultivation, with a Site-Specific Agriculture approach (AEPS®). It offers information for different tasks, including seedbeds and varieties.

Variety Catalog: description of 54 varieties noted for their adaptation and productivity in the sugar region.

Isoproductivity curves: Consultation tool that offers comparative analysis of sugarcane productivity according to variety, agro-ecological zone, harvest age and cut number.

Productivity of varieties by agro-ecological zone: productivity results of the most harvested varieties in each agro-ecological zone. Information is currently available for the period between January 2004 and December 2013. 

Information letter
Year 2 / Number 2 / December 2014

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