A new stage

For years, the Quarterly Letter has been one of the means of disseminating Cenicaña's research activities and results to promote the transfer and adoption of technology. In the beginning of the Center it was a monthly and descriptive publication of the research; Subsequently, we move on to a quarterly edition with specialized articles and information of interest to the sugar sector.

Dear reader:

For years, the Quarterly Letter has been one of the means of disseminating Cenicaña's research activities and results to promote the transfer and adoption of technology. In the beginning of the Center it was a monthly and descriptive publication of the research; Subsequently, we move on to a quarterly edition with specialized articles and information of interest to the sugar sector.

However, the interaction with our readers and their suggestions to have a medium that would show the research carried out by Cenicaña in a simpler and less scientific language led us to the decision to give the Quarterly Letter a different format and style.

For that reason, from now on it will be called Information letter and in it we hope to deliver to our readers the central messages that emerge from the research and the relevant facts that from the technological, scientific and agronomic point of view are of interest to the sector.

We begin this new stage with an article on the renewal of the CC 85-92 variety. There are two fundamental reasons to justify its replacement: the risk of a disease or pest, which is mitigated by planting genetically different varieties, resistant to the main diseases and with the same or greater productivity than CC 85-92; and two, that the sector wants to recover and improve its productivity, highly affected in the last year by climatic factors, which will be possible with the adoption of new varieties with adaptation to the different agro-ecological zones and an agronomic management in accordance with these.

To complement the actions being carried out in this regard today, Cenicaña has proposed to the sector the implementation of the Technical Assistance Program, PAT, which seeks to strengthen the transfer of technology with mills and growers. The implementation of the PAT is in development with the characterization of the priority technologies in each mill and the definition of the training plans.

This edition also includes a news item related to the change in the administrative direction of the Center, since from January 2, 2013, Engineer Einar Anderson, who served as head of the Center's Information Technology Service, was appointed to replace the Dr. Nohra Pérez.

Cenicaña thanks Dr. Nohra for her commitment and dedication in fulfilling her responsibilities and her contribution to technological advances and the organization of the Center.

Álvaro Amaya Estevez
CEO, Cenicaña

Information letter 
Year 1 / Number 1 / February 2013

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