Genetic transformation

Main facts that have marked research in genetic transformation, keys for the development of genetically modified cane varieties.

2000 | Cenicaña begins research in genetic transformation and uses a fragment of RNA from the yellow leaf virus to confer resistance to the CC 84-75 variety using the particle bombardment (biobalistic) methodology. This work is carried out by Cenicaña staff at the Ciat facilities. The RNA fragment was obtained through the International Sugar Cane Biotechnology Consortium.

2002 | The first plants transformed with the fragment of the yellow leaf virus genome are achieved. These plants are evaluated in the greenhouse and field to confirm resistance to the pathogen.

2006 | Research into bacterial-mediated genetic transformation begins Agrobacterium tumefaciens. To assess its efficiency, Cenicaña transforms sugarcane cells into an embryogenic callus using the GUS reporter gene, which allows a visual assessment of the level of efficiency of the transformation process (presence of blue dots).

2007 | Taking as a reference the genetic pistol used in the Ciat, the Hepta-Cenicaña genetic pistol is assembled in Cenicaña.

2012 | Hepta-Cenicaña produces 175 new plants transformed with the fragment of the yellow leaf virus genome. Additionally, transformation tests are performed using two versions of the 1SD gene to confer resistance to diseases of soca rickets and leaf scald.

2014 | It is possible to increase the transformation efficiency with A. tumefaciens, which gives way to work on the regeneration of plants transformed with the GUS gene. In the same year, the second group of plants transformed for resistance to the yellow leaf virus are characterized in the greenhouse.


RNA: ribonucleic acid
DREB: drought responsive elements binding proteins
ERF: ethylene responsive factors
GUS: ß-glucoronidase gene
IPT: isopenthenyl transfereases

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