Time to evaluate and project

The beginning of a new year is time to evaluate the path traveled and project into the future. 

Dear Readers:

The beginning of a new year is time to evaluate the path traveled and project into the future. 

For that reason, the third edition of the Information Letter includes several topics that reflect the fruits of the harvest of the work done by Cenicaña in 2013, with the support of mills and growers. It is something like gathering around the Christmas tree results of research and technology validation. 

But, contrary to what happens with the Christmas tree that is collected and stored for the following year, the results must be used permanently in the interest of improving the productivity, profitability and sustainability of the sector. This is what we want for users of Cenicaña technologies in 2014. 

Topics included in this issue include digital tools for better crop management such as the Technical Recommendations Guide and the new versions of the Water Balance and the Administrative Control of Irrigation. Also the benefits of fertigation, and the results and recommendations for the use of the variety CC 01-1940.  

It also offers information on the improvement and updating of the Center's infrastructure to provide better services to users and shows the activities that are currently our responsibility in monitoring the pilot basins of the Water for Life and Sustainability Fund project. led by Asocaña.

The interaction with the mills and growers is permanent in the management of Cenicaña, and an example of this was the Technical Forum for growers whose conclusions are reported in this edition, in which there is also space for manufacturing processes with an article on the importance of good practices in grinding and how we are contributing to it.

I take this opportunity to thank the mills and growers for their permanent support of the Center with the best wishes for 2014 to bring union, peace and many successes. 

Álvaro Amaya Estevez
Cenicaña Director

Information letter
Year 1 / Number 3 / December 2013

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