2014: International Year of Family Farming
2014 was declared by the United Nations General Assembly as the International Year of Family Farming, in order to reposition family farming and small-scale farming at the center of agricultural, environmental and social policies on national agendas. .
2014: International Year of Family Farming
2014 was declared by the United Nations General Assembly as the International Year of Family Farming, in order to reposition family farming and small-scale farming at the center of agricultural, environmental and social policies on national agendas. . This will promote broad debate and cooperation at the national, regional and global levels to increase awareness and understanding of the challenges facing small farmers.
Plant & Animal Genome
Between January 11 and 15, the XXII International Plant & Animal Genome Congress will be held, in which advances at the molecular level in plants and animals are presented, in the search for better selection methods or specific genes of interest. which takes place in San Diego, California, USA, includes two sessions on topics related to molecular biology and sugarcane genetics.