


AP technologies for the adaptation, renewal and lifting of the crop.

Annual reports

June 14, 2024 | 8:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.

In-person event.


  • The advantages of precision agriculture technologies for topographic surveying, leveling, furrowing, preparation, plowing and fertilization. As well as the operation of the equipment, calculation of efficiencies, comparison between available technologies, field practice.

Junio ​​14

Using Lidar for RTK precision surveying.
Evaluate the effectiveness of LiDAR technology in optimizing the design of agricultural fields, detailing the analysis of the farm's topography, using a digital elevation model as the main tool.
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Sebastian Anderson,
Artificial Intelligence Engineer (Digital Agriculture) -Cenicaña
Pedotransfer functions (PTFs) for the estimation of soil texture and bulk density.
Generate a pedotransfer function (PTFs) using machine learning algorithms against different functions published in articles for estimating soil apparent density.
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Oscar Javier Munar Vivas.
Site-Specific Agriculture Researcher (Digital Agriculture) – Cenicaña
Determination of soil moisture with SAR radar.
Evaluate the capacity of SAR (Synthetic Aperture Radar) radar technology for estimating soil moisture in sugarcane cultivation in the geographic valley of the Cauca River Valley.
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Diego Fernando Angrino Chiran.
Agricultural Internship (Digital Agriculture) – Cenicaña
Tool for managing JD link.
The use of intelligent machinery in agricultural fields allows generating large volumes of information that can be analyzed and monitored.
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Julian David Ome Narvaez.
Remote Sensing Engineer (Digital Agriculture) – Cenicaña
Juan Pablo Zuñiga Ramírez.
Surveyor (Digital Agriculture) – Cenicaña
Care model that includes agronomic advice, high-tech agricultural services and inputs tailored to each crop.
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Jose David Tascón .
Use of drones for the application of herbicides – multispectral camera.
Reference of drones, fumigation, monitoring and surveillance; DJI AGRAS T25 for small and medium areas, DJI AGRAS T50 for large areas.
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Mario Alejandro Celis Torres.
Agricultural engineer – ACRE
Depth sensor, processing of images taken with a drone.
With FIELD PLANNING technology, algorithms and methodologies are incorporated based on the automatic generation of project scenarios in the context of the field, considering everything from the intrinsic characteristics of the terrain to other variables that impact the result: type of soil, altimetry, slope, runoff, rainfall index, type of soil preparation, equipment measurements.
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Ronald Nunez .
Case – Imecol

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