Memories: Webinar | Varieties obtaining process
February 21, 2024 | 2:00 pm – 3:30 pm Virtual event. Main theme
February 21, 2024 | 2:00 pm – 3:30 pm Virtual event. Main theme
During the event, we will talk about: The step by step from the selection of varieties to be used as parents to the release of commercial varieties and the phenotypic and statistical tools
March 28, 2023 | 8:00 am – 3:00 pm Face-to-face event. Main theme.
During the event, we will talk about: The distinctive characteristics of the most notable sugarcane varieties for their adaptation and productivity in the Cauca River valley, giving a
During the event, we will talk about: The importance of knowing the main characteristics of the soil and climate and the interaction between them to determine agronomic management of the crop with
During the event, we will talk about: Who it is aimed at: Registration and registration process Exhibitor: Luis Fernando Chávez Oliveros. Edaphologist. Cenicaña Yeison Mauricio Quevedo Amaya. Physiologist. Cenicaña Jorge Baena. Guest.
During the event, we will talk about: The distinctive characteristics of the most notable sugarcane varieties for their adaptation and productivity in the Cauca River valley, giving a
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