Tag: salivazo

Irrigator school: second course
Consult the technical staff of each mill for more information. Description: Cenicaña created “The irrigation school” as a strategy to strengthen the skills of the people in charge of the

Strategies for the management of the main pests of sugarcane – North
During the event, you will learn about: Recognition of the different pests and the damage they cause, the economic impact of pests in sugarcane, generalities and current status of

Strategies for the management of the main pests of sugarcane
During the event, you will learn about: Recognition of different pests and the damage they cause to the crop. Economic impact of pests in sugarcane. Generalities, current status of

Memories: PAT | Integrated management of spittlebug in sugar cane.
April 11, 2023 | 8:00 am – 12:00 pm In-person event. Main topic The habits, damage, biology that comprises this pest; management strategy data that allows technicians and

Memories: PAT | Integrated management of spittlebug in sugar cane.
May 25, 2023 | 8:00 am – 12:00 pm In-person event. Main topic The habits, damage, biology that comprises this pest; management strategy data that allows technicians and

PAT | Integrated management of Spittlebug
During the event, we will talk about: The habits, damage, biology that comprises this pest; management strategy data that allows technicians and producers to safely recognize

Memories: GTT | Integrated Management of Spittlebug with CC.
January 25, 2023 | 8:00 am – 11:30 am In-person event. Main theme Habits, damage, biology that comprises this pest; management strategy data that allows technicians and producers

PAT | Integrated management of spittlebug in sugarcane
During the event, we will talk about: The habits, damage, biology that comprises this pest; management strategy data that allows technicians and producers to safely recognize

GTT | Integrated Management of Spittlebug with CC.
During the event, we will talk about: How to detect, monitor and control spittlebugs is vital to avoid economic losses in the crop. Who is it for: