Exploring the potential of Gene Editing in agriculture.
Gene editing is a tool that since its inception in 2012 has had implications mainly in medicine and agriculture.
Gene editing is a tool that since its inception in 2012 has had implications mainly in medicine and agriculture.
During the event, we will talk about: The step by step from the selection of varieties to be used as parents to the release of commercial varieties and the phenotypic and statistical tools
The Colombian Association of Plant Breeding and Crop Production invites you to participate in this discussion. The central theme of the conversation is based on the new strategies and challenges that
The Colombian Association of Plant Breeding and Crop Production invites you to participate in this Webinar. During the Webinar, we will talk about: Development of biofortified corn: classical improvement molecular and biochemical tools.
Approximately two years ago, a group of 17 entities, including national and international universities, research centers, and technology-based companies joined forces to seek solutions that would contribute to
The genetic improvement process of the Cenicaña Colombia (CC) varieties is continuous; The purpose of the Research Center is to increase the frequency of those genes that control the characteristics
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