Tag: Factory

Connect with Factory Today
A newsletter designed to keep the sugarcane agroindustry up to date on research advances and technologies developed by Cenicaña's Factory Processes program.

Another step forward in the standardization of our processes
Following a joint effort between Cenicaña and Ingenios, the Standardization Manual and Illustrated Guide to the methodology for evaluating foreign matter in the factory has been created,

Strategies to adapt sugar production to changes in raw materials and diversification
During the event, we will talk about: Feasible technologies to adapt processes to the changes in raw materials that the sector has been experiencing and promote manufacturing performance, in addition to

Protected: Clarification of honeydew
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Challenges associated with impurities in sugar processing
During the event we will talk about: The impact of critical impurities on the efficiency of the sugar manufacturing manufacturing process. Addressing the origin and concentration of these in the

Ceniprof 3.0 | M5. Complete factory analysis with technical-economic analysis option.
Description This training presents the most relevant aspects of the use of the Ceniprof 3.0 process simulation software aimed at the analysis of factory processes in the

Ceniprof 3.0 | M5. Complete factory analysis with technical-economic analysis option.
Description This training presents the most relevant aspects of the use of the Ceniprof 3.0 process simulation software aimed at the analysis of factory processes in the

Ceniprof 3.0 | M4. Analysis of steam and electrical energy generation processes.
Description This training presents the most relevant aspects of the use of the Ceniprof 3.0 process simulation software aimed at the analysis of factory processes in the

Ceniprof 3.0 | M3. Analysis of processes in the distillery.
Description This training presents the most relevant aspects of the use of the Ceniprof 3.0 process simulation software aimed at the analysis of factory processes in the