Bets in CTeI of the sector towards the energy transition
The Colombian sugar cane agroindustry, through Cenicaña, shared at the IV International Biofuels Conference, progress of research projects for alternative uses of ethanol
The Colombian sugar cane agroindustry, through Cenicaña, shared at the IV International Biofuels Conference, progress of research projects for alternative uses of ethanol
During the Webinar, we will talk about: The technical and environmental impact of the use of ethanol in diesel engines in harvesting equipment. Who is it aimed at: Technical staff and
Taken from: www.portafolio.co Claudia Ximena Calero, president of Asocaña, says that the sugar sector closed 2020 with positive figures, but there is uncertainty for 2021. The sugar industry
Data show that sugarcane ethanol produced in the country is below the established CO2 limit. Taken from: www.portafolio.co Research developed by Cenicaña reveals that the
Taken from: Agenciadenoticias.unal.edu.co One of them is butanol, an alcohol widely used in industries such as pharmaceuticals, paints, solvents and cosmetics, and which could also be used
Taken from: Portfolio. An objective assessment of market conditions is expected. As an unprecedented event in the history of the country's trade agreements, the Ministry of Commerce
The greenhouse gas (GHG) inventory will be fundamental in public policy that seeks to promote the development of alternative energy.
The production of cane, as well as its processing to obtain value-added products such as sugar, ethanol and electrical energy, among others, generate an environmental impact due to the
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