Webinar | Cost – benefit of field design with a focus on mechanization.
During the event we will talk about: The current situation and guidelines for field design in sugarcane, the cost/benefit of changing a field design and the
During the event we will talk about: The current situation and guidelines for field design in sugarcane, the cost/benefit of changing a field design and the
During the event, we will talk about: Registration and registration process Who it is aimed at: Exhibitors: Daniel Galvis Private consultant. Agricultural Engineer-Specialist in administration, he was harvest manager 1997-2013 and manager
During the event, we will talk about: Who is it for: Note:
May 5, 12, 26 and June 15, 2023 | 8:00 am – 4:00 pm In-Person Event. Training content
This event is aimed at cane growers who supply the Ingenio Riopaila Castilla (Planta Castilla). During the OnLine event, we will be talking about: Early detection of Salivazo to avoid damage to the
Memories of the committee
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