Energy: evolution of a commitment to diversify the sector
Learnings, achievements and challenges of energy cogeneration in the Colombian sugar cane agroindustry. In 1997 Incauca made the first sale, providing 10 MW of energy
Learnings, achievements and challenges of energy cogeneration in the Colombian sugar cane agroindustry. In 1997 Incauca made the first sale, providing 10 MW of energy
Taken from: https://www.portafolio.co/ The project is led by the Sugar Cane Research Center (Cenicaña), whose task allows the country to be on the international radar. In it
The course was guided by a doctor in chemical engineering and a saccharotechnical expert, linked to the Obispo Colombres Experimental Station in Argentina.
The mill, not only opens a distillery; it also opens an energy cogeneration plant.
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