Improving productivity is everyone's job
The advances in productivity of agribusiness have been the result of integration around innovation. In this way, today we have varieties of sugar cane of
The advances in productivity of agribusiness have been the result of integration around innovation. In this way, today we have varieties of sugar cane of
For his career, scientific-academic production and contributions to science, technology and innovation in the country, Colciencias awarded the 'Emeritus Researcher 2016' recognition to Dr. Jorge Ignacio Victoria
Fourth quarter of 2016. The large climatic anomalies that characterized 2015 gradually weakened during the first half of 2016, with which the climatic variables returned to their values
From 2016, the company began making contributions to contribute to the technological developments, services and activities of the Research Center.
The distribution of Diatraea species in the Cauca river valley confirms the importance of preventively using the entire complex of available natural enemies.
In the test, the limited water supply did not affect productivity when decisions were made with the Site-Specific Agriculture approach.
Results of a trial that combined sugarcane varieties with irrigation and fertilization technologies, using the AEPS approach.
Participatory workshops with suppliers and mills. With the purpose of designing strategies that contribute to improving the adoption of technologies, Cenicaña held 6 participatory workshops with the World methodology
Lessons, changes and challenges from more than a decade dedicated to biofuel production in Colombia.
With the recurrent selection methodology, Cenicaña hopes that the variety development process will be more efficient in obtaining progenies.
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