Keys to use sensors in irrigation work
Which sensors to use, how many, how to install them and how to interpret the data to program the risks are some of the most frequently asked questions of growers interested in implementing this technology.
Which sensors to use, how many, how to install them and how to interpret the data to program the risks are some of the most frequently asked questions of growers interested in implementing this technology.
The Cauca Valley has always been an extraordinary laboratory of agricultural development, not only due to the characteristics and conditions of the climate and soils of the Valley, but also
The greenhouse gas (GHG) inventory will be fundamental in public policy that seeks to promote the development of alternative energy.
This online tool developed by Cenicaña improves and integrates different geospatial data services of the sugarcane agroindustry, to make it easier for mills and growers to use
With the support of sugar mills and growers, Cenicaña is promoting a series of measures to counteract the increase in the disease.
Ascolfi awarded the recognition to the professional, linked to Cenicaña since 1988. Review of his achievements.
At, users with access codes can download publications and view tutorials on different technologies.
The Colombian sugarcane agribusiness created Cenicaña in 1977 to project its sustainability and competitiveness.
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