Integra | Integrated weed management
During the event, we will talk about: The importance of field recognition of the main weeds in sugarcane, the interference of weeds in the crop and aspects of integrated management.
During the event, we will talk about: The importance of field recognition of the main weeds in sugarcane, the interference of weeds in the crop and aspects of integrated management.
During the event, we will talk about: The importance of field recognition of the main weeds in sugarcane, the interference of weeds in the crop and aspects of integrated management.
Weed plants are those plant species present in agricultural ecosystems that compete for water and nutrients with plants in cultivation. In this sense it is usual to refer to
Prepared with the guidance of forestry engineer Eugenio Escobar Manrique, the manual describes in their different stages of development the main sugarcane weeds in the river valley.
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