Computer technology service

Its objective is to define, facilitate and maintain a computing infrastructure aligned with the strategic objectives of the Center, under an efficient high-level technological platform that guarantees system security. The internal organization is framed in three areas: Administration, operations and software development.


The administrative area has the objectives of organizing, planning, directing, controlling, supervising, evaluating and coordinating the operational and technical activities related to the information and information technology needs of Cenicaña.

The service has a functional and dynamic structure based on service principles, which is reinforced by the mystique of teamwork as a guarantee of excellence both personal and group.


The operational area has the primary function of keeping the technical computing infrastructure operational at the level of the internal network, as well as Internet access.

Likewise, it coordinates user support, preventive and corrective maintenance and security administration of computer equipment.


Software development

The software development area is in charge of coordinating, planning and designing the institutional information systems in accordance with the needs of Cenicaña's programs and services and following the rules established for the development and maintenance of applications. Some developments are:

  • Water Balance v.4.0
    System for water management in the cultivation of sugar cane with emphasis on irrigation scheduling and administrative control of the work.
  • Factory Process Indicators (IPF)
    Tool for the exchange of standardized indicators of the industrial processes of cane milling and sugar and honey elaboration.
  • ISO graphics generator
    Tool to prepare graphs of isoproductivity and iso-income.
  • Variety Information System (SIVAR)
    Ongoing project. Its objective is to manage the information associated with the Cenicaña sugar cane variety improvement and selection program.