Mr. sugar cane grower: take part in the training sessions of the PAT in your sugar mill

In the Apprenticeship and Technical Assistance Program, PAT, more than 100 professionals from the mills have been trained to transfer new technologies to growers

What is the best procedure to identify the agroecological zone of a luck? What are the agronomic management recommendations offered by the Technical Recommendations Guide? Why is the speed of advance of the water in the furrow key to carry the administrative control of irrigation?

To resolve concerns like these and apply the solutions to real situations in the field, a team of 118 professionals from 12 sugar mills in the region has already begun to train suppliers, farm managers and butlers in different technologies promoted and validated by Cenicaña.

Initially, the team made up of technical assistants, zone managers, and sugar mills' research managers, is able to teach about agroecological zoning, AEPS tools, and the administrative control of irrigation, CAR.

But before the end of the year, these professionals will also be able to train growers or the personnel in charge of a sugarcane crop in how to carry out the water balance, to use irrigation with reduced flow and to prepare the soils for cultivation with a specific agriculture approach. per site.

This training effort is part of the Learning and Technical Assistance Program, PAT, designed by Cenicaña and with which it is sought that the mills have properly trained personnel to transfer technologies and facilitate their adoption by end users. The program includes training, between 2014 and 2015, in ten agricultural production technologies and another five in industrial production.

By being trained as facilitators, these mill professionals not only acquire technical knowledge about the technologies to be transferred, but can also carry out practices or activities that develop skills in users, in such a way that the grower, beyond knowing what it is the administrative control of irrigation, for example, learn to take it in your luck.

The PAT contemplates that as Cenicaña is training facilitators, the mills organize training sessions aimed at suppliers and internal personnel to carry out the technology transfer (see Consolidated of PAT training).

To monitor the transfer of each technology, the mills set training goals for both suppliers and internal personnel. In Agronomic Management of Sugarcane Cultivation with a Site-Specific Agriculture Approach, AEPS, it is expected that by the end of the year 550 suppliers and 428 professionals from the 12 mills will be trained.

“Undoubtedly the dynamics and possibility of applying the knowledge acquired are the most notable points of the PAT. With this type of program that allows knowledge to be transmitted in an agile way, moving from a theoretical framework to a practical one, the evolution and maturity of the Research Center is evident. Without a doubt, this will be an excellent tool for transferring knowledge to other actors in the sector ”.

Javier Bohorquez placeholder image
Head of the Mayagüez sugar mill.




“The PAT is a great tool for the sugar sector, since knowledge is updated in the areas that are of interest to us. In addition, the entire program is focused on supporting the best cultural practices, both our own and those of our suppliers, with educational material that is easy to understand ”.

Alexander Bohorquez
Director of agricultural technology at Riopaila Castilla.





Do you want to train?

  • Check with your wits about the PAT training days you are scheduling for your providers.
  • If you are interested in receiving training specifically in any technology included in the PAT, keep in mind that until May, only facilitators had been trained for agroecological zoning and its practical applications with a focus on site-specific agriculture (AEPS) and administrative control of irrigation, CAR. However, at the end of the year, the facilitators will be ready to train in other topics of water management and soil preparation.
  • In addition to the workshops planned by the mills, most of the GTT meetings this year will be related to the topics of the PAT, so participate in all the activities to reinforce your knowledge with informative talks.



January: The Cenicaña Technical Cooperation and Technology Transfer Service designs the PAT, and with the guidance of the pedagogical expert Vicente Zapata, the technological offer begins to be documented, which will be contained in 19 methodological guides.

June: The PAT socialization begins with the mills.


February: Cenicaña begins monitoring the use of technologies by cane suppliers and sugar mills.

June / December: The documentation of the technological offer is completed and the process of editing and publishing the methodological guides begins. 


February: Cenicaña conducts an induction session of the PAT for technical assistants of suppliers, zone managers and heads of research departments of the mills. 

March: A workshop is held with the supply directors and superintendents to define the profile of the technical assistant required by the program. The first cycle of training in AEPS also begins.

May: Training is carried out in administrative control of irrigation, CAR.

To consult

The training goals of each mill and the consolidated training carried out by them in each technology are available at

Information letter 
Year 2 / Number 1 / July 2014

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