Review, Feb. 2013

Colciencias ratifies three Cenicaña research groups

Three Cenicaña research groups were again recognized by Colciencias during the advance review process for 2012, confirming that they comply with a series of parameters that support their research and technological development processes.

Colciencias ratifies three Cenicaña research groups

Three Cenicaña research groups were again recognized by Colciencias during the advance review process for 2012, confirming that they comply with a series of parameters that support their research and technological development processes.

The Stable High Sucrose Macroproject groups, in category A; Cenicaña Sugar Processes, in category B; and Specific Agriculture by Site, in category D, are among the 5491 that obtained the endorsement of Colciencias.

The recognition of research groups advanced by Colciencias allows updating the information and locating national capacities in the field of scientific and technological research. 

Research of Cenicaña recognized in Atalac Congress

Three applied research works developed by Cenicaña were recognized at the Atalac - Tecnicaña 2012 Congress, which took place from September 10 to 15.

The outstanding works were:

  •  Identification of genes associated with tolerance to water deficit and waterlogging in sugar cane.
  •  Development of a Technical Recommendations Guide (GRT) for the management of sugarcane with a Site-Specific Agriculture approach - AEPS
  •  Soil compaction and tires for harvesting and transporting sugarcane.
Information letter 
Year 1 / Number 1 / February 2013

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