Varietal resistance in spittlebug management Aeneolamia varies (F.) (Hemiptera: Cercopidae) Measurement method in sugarcane

No. 14. December

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In June 2007, the spittlebug attack was detected Aeneolamia varies in sugarcane in the Cauca River Valley, Colombia, which represents a serious threat to crop productivity due to the significant economic losses caused by this pest, as has occurred in countries in Central and South America.
Given this situation, a comprehensive insect management program was initiated that includes biological control using the fungus Metarhikum anisopliae /Metsch.) (Sorokin), the use of yellow sticky traps and the implementation of cultural practices. At the same time, the use of entomopathogenic nematodes and varietal resistance have been investigated.
This publication presents the generalities of the method used by Cenicaña for the evaluation of the response of sugarcane varieties to the attack of a. varies, and its characterization with respect to varietal resistance.
Varietal resistance
It is defined as the sum of genetically inherited qualities that make a plant less affected by certain factors (including insects) than another plant without these characteristics (Smith, 2005).

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